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Alex L.

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Status Updates posted by Alex L.

  1. Red leather jacket, i think so.
  2. I'm going to get myself a jacket today. WOO WOO whistletips, amirite?
  3. Want to, yes. Able to, not quite yet. Next week Pawlie.
  4. Soon friend. Gibby's going to sync the carbs and I need to do the title/insurance shit this week. Double barrel roll will happen, belee dat.
  5. You're beat and played out.
  6. I can do that. You doing anything Saturday?

  7. You'll hurt yourself. AEM ships mid-march.
  8. If everything's good to go, fuck yes.
  9. Alex L.

    Board on Saturday?
  10. Alex L.

  11. Fail and aids. I landed a 180 yesterday.
  12. You can bring me some sushi if you'd like. :)
  13. Taxes and school own me.
  14. Alex L.

    Truf. There were sluts a plenty as usual.
  15. Alex L.

    Keys to groin not ftw.
  16. Alex L.

    Sean can vouch. I think I neutered myself.
  17. Alex L.

    I landed a 180 and you weren't even there you fucking hoser.
  18. Let's plan on 1:30 for the cigars, I just got home and need to get some shit together.
  19. Alex L.

    Fail and aids.
  20. Alex L.

    I'm going, Sean (O HAI) may go, I'm trying to get Deeds to go. Paul's complaining because of the terrain park.


    That's all I know as of now. I may bring my video camera with me.

  21. Alex L.

    I'll be going tomorrow at 2-3. 740-403-3051
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