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Posts posted by Bluezx6r

  1. I have leathers as old as 2004 that are in great shape. Why? because I just buy plain 'ol PLEDGE, lemon or orange scent. It protects/treats leather as well as the other shit. My leather is prime because I paid big bucks for all my jackets and the 2 suits I have. I work hard to care for it since I worked hard to pay for it.

    No I take good care of my Suit lol. I bought it used it has light rash on one side. I hang it up after every ride and clean off bugs and what not. I just didnt know if it needed a constant product added to keep the leather from drying out or something. Just more of a precautionary thing.

  2. Just a question, is there anything I should be appling to my leathers or any paticular way to care for them. They seem to be a little dull since I bought them, Im noticing more and more imperfections and I need this suit to last.

  3. My Buddies 84 VFR has a similar problem. We can get the bike running. Thanks to me completely redoing his fuel lines for him. But once it starts and you try to turn the choke off the bike stalls out. If your running the bike and go to make a stop it does the same. I have Cleaned his carbs, Adjusted the idle, and bought new fuel lines and re ran them all. Still same problem...

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