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Posts posted by zx0neFouR

  1. i dont think you'll be doing 200mph on any production bike unless it's geared pretty ridiculous like.

    skimming the pics and article, it appears the front suspension is basically a modified version of a conventional rear suspension from any old sportbike. what's so scary about it? i mean, other than the fact that you want to go 200mph, which that in it of itself is scary.

    bi-mota has several bikes that used a similar concept.... i don't think ive heard of one falling apart at high speed.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA hitting 200 on a stock 1000 or bigger is EZ, who wants to go 200?!?! who doesent?

  2. Aw c'mon bud, thats awful quick exit to such a interesting convo, figured a picture of a dude holding a brain flag could come back with somthing better than just a 9th grade insult.... or maybe its just that those damn buells with a good rider kick some ass? :D (oh yeah I pefer to be a snap on if i come back as a tool)

    Casper, I think I found our next user for that "tool" award you were talking about.
  3. Thanks again man cant say how much I apperciate the gas, and introducing me to all these great riders here in OHIO! Yes it sucks I got a ticket but it's a travesty of our own society which I intend on fighting to the very hopefully not so bitter end.

    welcome. it was me who got you gas.

    sucks you got a ticket. but like you said, you pay the price.

    i got a wreckless on a bike before. i went in early enough to talk to the prosecuter, and actually got alot of the charges dropped. i still got points, but no license suppension, or anything else.

    but you may want an attorney.

  4. Cant count how many R6's i've made look stupid on a tuber, esp 06's. Could just be the rider though right? like 20 times right? Haha, i wouldent have gone japper if I dident think they were better. I've had a few buells, they are different and handle well. I love motorcycles and im a rider through and through, so one that has ingnuiety and some muscle to it is just an extra. Dont hate till you try one. Alas my time buells are done, I pefer my zx, tire smoking power in any gear, low end or top end.... CHECK!

    I confused :???: wasn't it worthless before they went under? whats the difference?
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