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Everything posted by Jcroz91

  1. Jcroz91


    so ill want just a single?
  2. Jcroz91


    so which should i get? dual or single beam?
  3. Jcroz91


    well i want it to be bright too. cause i have a smoked visor on my helmet. so it helps haveing brighter lights
  4. Jcroz91


    i want the color that come on luxery cars. thats white with a slight slight hint of blue for looks and better vision.
  5. Jcroz91


    6000k bulbs are like the white ones arnt they?
  6. Jcroz91


    are they worth it?... which is better. dual or single?
  7. Jcroz91


    wow... dont act like you dont know what i mean. do "they" as in companies make them?
  8. Jcroz91


    this maybe be a compeltly ignorant question. but do they have them? and are they expensive?
  9. 199 e 14th was pretty crazy last night. untill the cops on horses came and took a fat :monkeypoo:on the party. it was still a good time. and i know its a fraternity? have you really never heard anyone call them frat houses before? really? lol wft?
  10. i guess they sold the business... but pretty much yeah
  11. yeah i know where the frat are... trust me i party at frats all the time. i was seeing if anyone knew of any big ones like the 30 kegger or anyone was having.
  12. i just talked to a good friend of my who is one of max's best friends. he said " business wasnt bad, max's dad (the owner) got a job offer out west making stupid $ so they are selling the shop to move out there"
  13. lol i guess theres not too many ehh?
  14. its supossed to get crappy about 9 tonight. but you never know with the weathermen today.
  15. really? ha i had no idea. they didnt seem like the best shop to buy from. i bought a dirtbike off them in 05. but that was about the only time i went in. i have heard bad things about them and how i should NEVER take my bikes there for service.
  16. hinds is going out of business? max went to school with me. graduated 2 years above me but i still see him all the time at parties. i had no idea they were going under
  17. i was all ready to go to work in the car since its supposed to rain all weekend. But when i woke up this morning and was pleasently suprised to see how nice it turned out being!! i got a good couple errands taken care of on the gsxr today. anyone else take advantage of the nice day??
  18. went on a ride to the bank and that today... at like 11am. it was a big bust on the nice weather. it started to get nice right when i had to go to work around 2
  19. whats going on sat night for halloween?? esp on campus for me at least... iv been hearing a lot of talk about a 33 kegger but i havnt heard an address
  20. damnit! looks like it was a good time. i didnt think it would be going on when i got there so i just went home.
  21. about how many miles do i have when my gas light is on to get gas? lol i had to make a run from work to my house and back on my break with the light blinking the whole way. i coulda swore it was going to die.
  22. cool cool thanks.. ill keep in touch. you too parks
  23. where do i go to get tires put on? like iron pony or something?
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