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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. FD + wet pavement = no fun for Mojoe. Might be in the Suby tonight.
  2. Why are you changing from your stock brakes? Last I read, Volvo brakes are good for into the mid to high 300hp for performance braking. Is that not the case or are your going to make that much power someday? Sorry for off topic.
  3. I will almost guarantee that the cop's will be all over the Polaris/71 area tonight. The 87 HP club was going out every 20 minutes to race.
  4. That shit last night was pretty stupid. If the crowd that was there last night is there tonight, I offer my office parking lot at Sawmill and 270. I parked as far a way from everyone as I could and still had to deal with stupid shit. That idiot in reverse is going to get someone hurt. He's just one though. The clown in the blue WRX pulling into 2 parking spaces next to me at 30mph. That was when we left. I like hanging out with everyone, and I met some very cool new guys last night, but those ricers are going to ruin a good thing. It's like they are trying to prove their car is worthy. Reving all the time and flooring it just to have to hit the breaks in 100 feet. I really don't think it was people from CR either. I would prefer we all try to park in one area, even if it's farther away. If space allows. After last night, I really don't want people I don't know around my car. Sam and Tilly, your cars are well known now. So, if it's like it was last night, you are going to have 20 people swarm your car yelling at you to "rev it up". That's not so bad, but they are all up on your car like they know you. That shit kills me. Wha Wha Wha, I'm done crying about it.
  5. A 17-year-old girl has been stoned to death in Iraq because she loved a teenage boy of the wrong religion. As a horrifying video of the stoning went out on the Internet, the British arm of Amnesty International condemned the death of Du’a Khalil Aswad as "an abhorrent murder" and demanded that her killers be brought to justice. Reports from Iraq said a local security force witnessed the incident, but did nothing to try to stop it. Now her boyfriend is in hiding in fear for his life. Miss Aswad, a member of a minority Kurdish religious group called Yezidi, was condemned to death as an "honour killing" by other men in her family and hardline religious leaders because of her relationship with the Sunni Muslim boy.They said she had shamed herself and her family when she failed to return home one night. Some reports suggested she had converted to Islam to be closer to her boyfriend. Miss Aswad had taken shelter in the house of a Yezidi tribal leader in Bashika, a predominantly Kurdish town near the northern capital, Mosul. A large crowd watched as eight or nine men stormed the house and dragged Miss Aswad into the street. There they hurled stones at her for half an hour until she was dead. The stoning happened last month, but only came to light yesterday with the release of the Internet video. It is feared her death has already triggered a retaliatory attack. Last week 23 Yezidi workmen were forced off a bus travelling from Mosulto Bashika by a group of Sunni gunmen and summarily shot dead. An Amnesty International spokesman in London said they receive frequent reports of honour crimes from Iraq – particularly in the predominantly Kurdish north. Most victims are women and girls who are considered by male relatives to have shamed their families by immoral behaviour. Kurdish authorities have introduced reforms outlawing honour killings, but have failed to investigate them or prosecute suspects, added the Amnesty spokesman. Kate Allen, the organisation’s UK director, said: "This young girl’s murder is truly abhorrent and her killers must be brought to justice. "Unless the authorities respond vigorously to this and any other reports of crimes in the name of 'honour', we must fear for the future of women in Iraq." Below is the artical and some pics. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=452288&in_page_id=1811
  6. Mojoe


    Those look like helicopters. Not sure though. Don't quote me.
  7. 10 psi is the starting map for my tune (as far as I understand it). I will have maps for more boost. However, 12-14 psi should still break the back tires loose in 2nd and maybe 3rd. This is where I have to find my sweet spot setting for the road course. I have no way to gauge where my power is at, or may end up. All I can say is there is nothing left, that I know of, that I can do with this set up for more power. It is "maxed out stock twins".
  8. Mojoe

    Tonight 5/4

    Quaker = better than Hooters
  9. Mojoe

    Tonight 5/4

    I should be out.
  10. Mojoe


    You saw nothing. You are mistaken and should forget you spent time posting and thinking about this. In fact, it's ok to delete your post.
  11. I'll let you know when it can go WOT. Till then, the car is a fun cruiser.
  12. Wow, I feel so.... so called out. It was getting dropped to my tuner Wednesday to un-fuck my wide band. Then he was busy and said he would have to get back to me. I am on stand by. So, in short, I'm not fully tuned yet. Here's what I do have. A 70 % tune @ 10lbs of boost. And that was done in cold weather. Now with the new parts on and warm weather, I get break up at 4K RPM. Now, MAAAAAAAAYBE if you had made it out......... let's say, "at all" last year, we could have messed around with it at stock boost. Last I heard, your car was having issues. Are they worked out?
  13. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/repostpolice.gif
  14. I felt dirty, and I only looked at here My space.
  15. If anyone has ever wanted to try a road course this price is very good. Open track days there are $125 normally, which is still the lowest I have seen. You will learn more about your car than you thought. But, do not over do it if you are not being coached. Make sure your brakes are good for a work out and that you are leaking NO fluids. Street tires will do fine. Just know what you are running and don't over drive the cars ability with how you have it set up. If you go once, you will do everything you can to go again. It's THAT MUCH FUN!
  16. The wing actually works; in looks and function for the 99. I personally like the pic, but wouldn't want the wing on my car. I almost got on board with the 99 lip, but I'm liking the rounded front look and it keeps the stock look for my car. I'm not a big fan of web looking wheels, but the Spirit R's rock, hands down. And a gun metal paint color on theres cars stimulates and instant woody. Loose the front plate plate.
  17. Mojoe

    new to CR

    LOL. Right when I was trying to be nice to a new guy. Broke, it is.
  18. Mojoe

    new to CR

    Welcome Mike. Interesting collection of cars you have. Good luck trouble shooting your issue in your other post.
  19. Great price. I wish I was going to be in town.
  20. Here are some pics http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/DCP_3592Small.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/DCP_3593Small.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/DCP_3594Small.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/DCP_3602Small.jpg
  21. Please go to the classroom and do an introduction so we get to know who we are helping.
  22. Post that pic for me down there and find the guy. Have him join here. Tell him he has a huge fallowing that love his car. And then cook me a steak. kidding on the steak.
  23. Very nice Andy. I'll have to get to mine soon too.
  24. Do you know of this car? I tried joining Cinci street racing, but I never got on. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/IMG_0828.jpg
  25. 28 20 13 That was to combination to my locker in high school. I never told anyone, but someone still took my walkman out of it. Fucking hackers
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