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Everything posted by Anden

  1. I have been trying to put a route together for a the Triumph guys in my area for a while now. I think I have done it finally. Needless to say I will be introducing it to you all soon enough. Clear four or five hours from your schedule yes its that long in my area. Who would have thought. Anyway my adventure: Day started as any other Wife even said have fun. Head into Dayton and I'm getting waved at a lot A lot more than the usual random ass wave from cars. Lends me to believe something is wrong with the bike get off an exit early to find nothing. Out side of West Milton I come upon a chicken. Yes chicken. Had already crossed the road and was working is way back. Now the chicken and I came to an agreement as I was slowing up to avoid her. She wouldn't do anything stupid and I would give her a wide berth. I held up my end of the bargain the chicken did not. She decided once I got close enough that she could fly. Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster we didn't get into each other. Stopped in Gettysburg for a soda. Had the usual questions about the bike. Still an oddball bike to the world. Had a fellow named Alex come up to me and ask if I wanted to see his trucks. Which I thought was an odd question considering there were no trucks in the parking lot. I sized him up saw he was handicapped and figured I could take him. Ok lets see these trucks. We walk over to the trunk of his car were he has a couple stadium trucks. Alex then gave me an in depth run down of his trucks and the tracks. Alex told me that I could hang out till race time and drive one of his trucks. I thanked Alex for the offer but I needed to be moving on. Demming or Demmit road off rt66 is usually pretty fun. This mile or two stretch of road is never trouble some and very nice. Not on this day. I came hammering down it from Spiker rd. Good sized hill to go down and was carrying a ton of speed. At the bottom of the hill it was chip-sealed with sand. Looked like a bridge over the creek from a distance. But once on top of the sand the bike squirmed all over the place. Holy shit!! I Figure the whole road is fucked and I'm travelling way to fast. And the road is back to normal again. Just that fast. I still slow up considerably take it easy for a couple turns and decide the road is ok. Hammer the hard right into. What The Fuck? Did a farmer plow the road? Why is there dirt in my lane? How the? So much dirt. Looks like Richie Rich here is putting in a new driveway. They made such a mess I took next turn in the other lane. cautiously continued on and found more sand at a bridge. By more I mean I was crossing dunes. Round final corner and I find a large chemical spill. Kitty litter my whole lane up to the stop sign this ran for about 1/4 mile. Smooth sailing from here on. Wrong. Turn onto rt66 behind a new Caddy. While admiring the Caddy from behind I notice little black gravel on he ground. Didn't think anything of it because I couldn't feel it under the bike. Now the Caddy is slowing up along side the farm tractor blowing his horn. I slow up behind him and that is when I feel the sting. Then I hear it bouncing off my plastics. I am being pelted with manure. Fucking lovely! Peace out, around the horn bowing Caddy. See ya. Finally homeward bound I get a couple of new riders. We didn't talk but I cussed them the whole time I was behind them. If you are members here grow up. You didn't win anything. You showed me you are new to motorcycling and a dick to your buddy. One of you need to learn how to turn. I came upon these two just out side of Sidney headed towards Piqua. I caught them running about 65-70 and they slowed to around 45. Moved to go around and you fools rocketed off. caught you again at about the same pace. You guys just matched my speed I knew you wouldn't let me around and if I wasn't doing something I would have headed off in another direction. This is when you all started to slow to make your turn well one of you anyway. The second one didn't attempt it. By the way your buddy looked hurt that you left him hanging. I was more disappointed in you for gunning it once again and flat out leaving your friend. Now I figured the fellow left behind was going to come blasting past me. He Didn't. Let me tell you all why. 25a Has some very nice long sweepers in it. High speed sweepers the kind I take at around 70-80 and know I can give lots more. You took them at 35. Not poking fun. Just that you have a lot to learn. I would do this whole day over again except maybe the manure flinging. The rest of the time I had the roads to myself aside from some slow movers. And Ohio in the fall is lovely. I really enjoy life on two wheels. I wouldn't have my adventures any other way.
  2. Will someone please explain what they are trying to achive? Hell they guy that is walking to raise awareness bummed rides. One across a whole state.
  3. Looks to me like you barely missed the weed drop off point. Pic with tire paint.
  4. SAI (Secondary Air Injection) block off plate. If one is not available you will need to get a Power Commander or a Tune Boy type tuner. But I would hit up a CBR 250 Forum they would have much better info than us. I do remember seeing or reading somewhere that the Yosh pipe needed no tuning done to the bike.
  5. I am assuming the gang charges will protect the driver from any lawsuit by Mieses. To which my argument would be that he broke several laws to get from home to under the suv. No fault but his own.
  6. Holy shit!!! I probably would have come over the desk and strangled the owner at the meeting.
  7. John Stewart found the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q-OyhPDobY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  8. Anden


    For $60 I could find a lot of more usefull things. Hell for $60 I will make you a penis shaped one so when you show it to people the will know you got dicked.
  9. Nice Guzzi! I would be happy with more pics of it.
  10. Its in the back ground just couldn't get real close. That is the bike path we are.I'm sure anyone familiar with the area can vouch. Bike path at peterson and 25a.
  11. So when is his younger self coming to kick his ass? Amazing none the less.
  12. Yes super clean I have eyefucked the shit out of it a couple times.
  13. It is in Bob's driveway. I figured it out its a ball joint set up, not kingpin. He also has another couple seals to remove before he can pull axle shaft out of it. All under control now.
  14. One of my coloafers asked me to help with this and I have nothing for him. Nor does my Google-Fu help much. Need to remove king pin from a Dana axle he is stuck here. Not sure what to do he has made the special tool to remove and is stuck. Any advice is appreciated.
  15. View from the front is off. Wouldn't pay for it. Would rather just a Union Jack, or even England's flag. Shark makes a Union Jack one that I think is pretty bad ass but it is unavailable at this time.
  16. The end makes the race. I cheered a little bit on the couch.
  17. I understand. Just thought it was funny to stumble across the pic.
  18. Just stumbled across this: Country was founded by idiots.
  19. I'm sorry but must agree with Mags on this. Just because we adopted thier views doesn't make them any less of an extremist. 1 Sail the treacherous ocean in fear of the Kraken for religious freedom is extreme. 2 Resorting to terrorist activities (Boston Tea Party) a bit extreme. 3 Taking land from natives by bauble or by force is way extreme. Also bringing our beliefs as a better way. Manifest Destiny. I am thankfull they did all these things. Gave us the greatest country on the planet. But yes they should be considered extremists. They were our feeedom fighters.
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