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Posts posted by MadMadame

  1. Do we really want you eating on a ride with your sensitive stomach? :p

    LMAO trust me-I have a near iron constitution. 'Twas a fluke, I tell ya! :D

    edit: I finally (!) got a job-nothing fancy or that great, but I gotta work every time there's an Indians home game. But I'm down for a ride before/after, or whenever there isn't one.

  2. Damn! That actually happened to a friend of mine several years ago on his R6-he came to a stop after, not because he crashed but to survey the damage. Ended up just having to get new fairings-and probably new pants, lol.....glad the rider is ok!

  3. I'm still 50/50 on this. JRM, anyone else not meeting in Lakewood..chime in if you're hooking up on this side of town before rolling out.

    Where are you riding from? Was going to hook up with NeverEnough, but he's down in Carrollton for the weekend.

  4. I know I said I was out....now it looks like I'm in again....hey, it's hard to get money to do fun stuff when you're still tryin to get a job. :rolleyes: I'll more'n likely meet up with NeverEnough, follow him in.

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