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Posts posted by MadMadame

  1. Coldest I rode in GA was 17....I didn't have a car at the time, so the bike was the only way I could get to work. (Yes, it does get cold in GA.) Visor frosted over, fortunately due to traffic I couldn't go very fast so riding with the visor up didn't freeze my eyeballs solid...but it still sucked, lol....

  2. I used it a little to try and learn Italian while I was working with them when I was deployed to Iraq...it's a cool program, I was picking it up pretty good. Funny thing was when I and an Italian soldier were actually able to speak slowly enough in our respective languages to understand what each other was saying....lol....wouldn't pay $500 for it, though, that's just silly.

  3. The only one I can explain is the kid with the dustbuster on the cat one....Apparently, he was assisting at a vet clinic, and the cat had just been shaved prior to spaying, and the dustbuster is the easiest way to remove all the hair.

    The rest, tho....I got nothin, lol.

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