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Posts posted by Twisty

  1. He couldn't pay his taxes yet he had his own "private plane" hmmm possibly selling it would have helped some, or who knows maybe taking better care of his taxes. His business licenses was suspended in California twice for taxes.. then he moved to another state. I hate paying taxes as much as the next person but that is what we have to do and learn from our prior mistakes. He could have done something different to correct it, but instead he complained and complained about it. He did however have some good points that most would agree about government, and taxes but that still doesn't mean that he should have taking it out on people who work for the IRS. Way to go taking your frustration out on people who are like you and me working to make a living. They surely were the ones who "intentionally" pinpointed their focus on you and no one else.

    Ok, rant is done. Just my opinion.

  2. ive been told this many times by many people.. but i harrass them by saying " ur car/truck gets 15-25 mpg?? well me rippin on it all day long still gets 45+ mpg and is a hell of alot more fun and faster than ur car" and laugh.. theres not much they can say after that lol

    AMEN.. enough said

  3. Ok..... First off... it is a team. It's Ernie Vigil and Nick Brocha. There was only one rider because Ernie was injured and since you guys didnt notice the wheelchair under the tent it would seem to be one rider.


    Both riders of the Ducati Stunt Team are very good and very respected riders. They were only doing the best with the room given to them not to mention the soda covered cement. Why does everyone love bashin everyone else

    Seems everyone loves to talk trash I guess. I enjoyed it, and would have loved to have seen more in a bigger space. But since the space was limited and the floors being so slippery, not much else could have been done. Props to anyone who can pull this off because I know for a fact that I can't and won't ever be able to do this in my life.

  4. I love snow as well, but it is getting to a point now that some warmer weather would be nice for a change. Clearing the car off, and shoveling has met my last nerve and I am not happy anymore.

  5. So I get in to work today before 6AM. (Usually there by 7) I also had to shovel my driveway before I left. Once I got to work, I had to get the guys to clear off the parking lot. My car couldn't go over the 2 foot high wall that was surrounding our lot.

    Anyway, get in to work... Turn on the servers... (don't ask, long story) Get to my desk and I don't know why, but I looked at our web page... It said that no one is to report for duty any earlier than 10AM.


    Guess I'll be the first one going home....

    See and being early to work finally may pay off if you get to go home earlier.

  6. 60degree weather, nothing but sun...and somewhere between Cleveland and Pittsburgh- BE THERE OR BE SQUARE MOFO!:beating:

    AWWWEE your too cute :lol:

    Anyways today is start #2 of not smoking, only wanted a cig once yesterday and that was because of the weather and traffic was terrible. I usually when I smoke like 3 or 4 when people piss me off in traffic. The patch seems to be doing what it is made for so YEAHHH!!!

  7. wtf... potatoe wedges?

    -side note...potatoe wedges sound fawkin glorious! wow I want some!-

    On a more important note....

    My bike-126hp *stock*which it is far from

    Your bike- 125hp stock-bwhahahahah!

    So when you say "far from" you mean your bike has less horsepower??? Why would you tell me that, now I will feel terrible beating you. It is like someone in a stock Honda Civic vs a Toyota Supra Twin Turbo... LMAO

  8. Ohhhhhhhh Mr. FunnyGuy are you?....

    WELLLLLL.... Even IF my bike is slower than yours, it's not like you have the skills to actually ride yours...hell I'd be willing to bet you have 2" chicken strips on your rear tire!!

    Sounds like I got some one fired up LMAO.. and it isn't 2" chicken strips it is 1" potato wedges :lol:

  9. YOooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu cann doooooooooooo it! Actually you had better do it, cause I'm sure as hell not gonna stop this summer for you to take a smoke break!

    Don't worry even if I had to stop, I would still catch up to your slow bike anyways... OHHHH SNAPPP DOG...... I found a smiley for you, it is what I think your bike is :scooter: LMAO

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