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Posts posted by bigd

  1. Just got the word - while i had it in for the valve adjustment...it has the swollen tank issue. bummer, my girl is going to be away for a couple weeks while the dealer gets the new tank in. (free, thank god) - but total bummer while we're in this warm weather...damn.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS THING! Just what I hoped it would be: comfortable, powerful, maneuverable, quick, fun, etc. It roars, it growls, it pops, it shudders, it backfires, it vibrates. It feels like a machine. It seems like it's always ready to take off regardless of where in the RPM range it's sitting. On cool nights like tonight, it's actually kinda nice to have that "heater" of an engine warm my legs up at stop lights. Got home and no part of me hurt, which seemed weird. I think I'm gonna keep this one.

    Recently got my 1098, and this is my exact sentiment. especially, the "it feels like a machine". Awesome products, this italian company...

  3. I've split the MotoGP video pass three ways for the past few seasons. Worth every penny IMO.

    Any issues with concurrent sign-ons? I've wondered about splitting this in the past with others, but figured they wouldn't allow multiple simultaneous logins with same profile.

  4. This.

    For AMA, I wonder how much of their $$ comes from TV? Probably not too much as the tv ratings aren't great.

    Gee, do you think it's because they broadcast the races at 1am? (6+ hours after they've finished) Weird their ratings were down..?:wtf:

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