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Posts posted by OhioBob

  1. That's cool. I am taking off tomorrow to head up there instead of Saturday. Hoping for decent weather. I want to try out the R1 too, but concerned i will end up bringing one home with me. LOL

    Scuba, congrats on the addition. I am finishing up my supermoto CRF450X. Hoping to have it completed by next week. I am dying to ride the thing.

    Supermoto for the win...ALWAYS!!!

    If you don't believe me...check out Youtube videos. Video doesn't lie. :bow:

  2. I am planning to go too. I was planning to be there right at 9am. I believe that is when sign up starts. I have never been to there demo ride days either. I spoke to a guy who works there just the other day about some other things and he mentioned how well a production Yamaha makes it. They bring the bikes from the factory for test riding. I am looking forward to test riding the FZ8, R1, Raider, FZ6R and maybe the R6. The guy said that what happens on the road is between you and the police. LOL

    CCM is a nice place and has expanded in the last few years. Other dealers take notice, CCM knows how to treat customers and put on events to encourage the riding community...not just to sell bikes. They are the true class act.

    Yes, I am hoping it doesn't turn into a wash...although the weather stations are seemingly for sure it will rain Thursday night and Friday morning. I am hoping it clears up for Saturday though.

    I will probably be riding my VTX, rather than my CRF450X SM which I was hoping to have done before the weekend. Arghhhhhh

  3. How is the vibration of the recordings having it mounted directly to your bike? I tooks some others' advice and have mounted it on my helmet and just purchased the chesty. I saw an advertisement for a $40 or $50 motorcycle/handlebar mount which I believe has the appropriate vibration absorption material to be mounted directly on the bike.

  4. Thanks to all for the replies. After your suggestions/advice and watching several YouTube videos and figuring out that with a household hairdryer that the adhesive mount plate will come right off with no ill effects to the helmet...I decided to try mounting it on top of my helmet. It has seem to work out pretty good. Of course the wind noise is very annoying, but I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

    Also, I read on GoPro's site about the CineForm software is going to be adding a undistort or fishbowl distortion correction feature in their next update of the software so that should fix any of that funking looking video. But honestly it doesn't look that bad, at least not to me for being my first full ride recording. Although, yes the look is odd and I got several stares and questions in the group ride I was in yesterday. My favorite question was from one of the riders, "Is that thing on?" Yep. Or Nope I just like wearing it and looking like a goof. LOL

    As for the drag, not much noticeable, especially on my Bell Star. That helmet flows so much air inside the helmet I should be wearing ear plugs. I me for a hot day like yesterday, I was cool. And speaking about the Bell Star helmets, yes you are correct, the chin bar is pointing making it nearly impossible to mount the GoPro there.

    Thanks again to all. I will try to do some sort videos to post up for all to view and decide whether it worked out good or not.


  5. I am trying to determine the best place to mount my GoPro on my helmets. I have heard some say the top others the side, still others on the front. Others have said to get a chest mount instead. I purchased a handlebar mount, but never opened it because of second thoughts that the vibrations of my V-Twin and the Thumper (CRF450X SM) will be too much for the camera.

    So, I am trying to gather as much info before proceeding.

    Currently, I have two helmets. Bell Star Full Face and Bell Moto-8

    So, where did you mount your GoPro on your helmet? Or where did you discover the best place to mount it?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Too bad I didn't see you selling this last fall when I was in the hunt for a CRF. I now have a CRF 450X which is in the process of being converted to SM (streettardism).

    This truly is a steal. For what he is asking for the entire bike is nearly what it is costing mine for the parts to convert for street use. Heck if I had the extra cash I would buy it just because.


  7. MJ 88,

    I should be getting my BD DS kit (in black with mini turn signals), new battery, new black plastics (to black it all out) and a few other things today. After that I will still be waiting for my wheels and Brembo brake kit, chain, etc. from another company. This summer is going to be epic. I can hardly wait. Arghhhhh... LOL

  8. Yep, live in "the boro". raised south of here in Lawshe. Love the country roads around here. Just amazing. I be so lucky. :)

    As for the triple, what years should I be looking for or maybe easier to say avoiding?

    Yes, I too think the new headlights are just a crime against it and the designer that thought it was a good idea should probably be shot.

    I have always liked the twin round headlight look whether on the Speed Triple or Buell.

  9. I have both kinds of the Icon Field Armor boots. The low cut and high cut. Got them at motorcycle-superstore.com last season. Love them. They are worth the money.

    They should have them at IronPony, as well as, other brands so you should be able find a pair that fit they way you want.

  10. I just purchased the GoPro HD Hero 1 Motorsports Edition for $220 brand new at Amazon.com. I have been told that the image quality is the same unless you are recording in low light or doing still pics. But why would you do still pics on a camera like the GoPro?

  11. Check out my other thead. It has a link to a closeout store online that is selling Bell Star helmets for $200. It is for real. I got one it is by far the most comfortable & affordable helmet that I own yet. It is amazing. The helmet bag is a plus. A 5 year warranty. If you have anything that breaks or malfunctions they will replace it with no questions asked.


    I tried the Shoei Qwest a while back at a shop and it was very nice and the price wasn't outrageous. I was actually seriously considering it over the Arai RQ or whatever it was, but then ran across several articles and reviews about Bell Star helmets comeback and all. Plus Bell is American, so I wanted to support USA jobs. So, that is why I decided with them...and these prices didn't hurt at all.

    Also, I tried the SHoei RF1100 and preferred the Qwest for the better comfy fit. But seriously, if the Qwest fits better on your head then the Bell Star will be all the better. It is like having a down comforter on your head. It is soooo light and comfy, I wear it around the house, just because.

    Heck, I am actually considering another at those prices. So, I have another on hand if I wreck it.

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