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Posts posted by cornbreadxd

  1. I didn't know where to post this but does anyone know anywhere in the Cleveland area that I can get my tires mounted and balanced and my wheels checked? I use to have a guy that was cheap but he's in jail :no: . I'm not trying to really go to a chain place because they are gonna charge like $45 Firestone wanted $55 because of the 205/40/17 size makes it "special" which is crazy and I wanted to get some wheels checked because I think they might be bent, like 6 rim/tires. Anyone know anything? And I'm not driving down to Columbus
  2. So your question was "have you ever needed your gun while eating dinner", well no, but have you ever needed your gun while sleeping, or sitting at home watching TV? Maybe you should take your guns back to the store since you have never "needed" them while you were at home.

    Apparently in your logic, the "criminals" will see your eating dinner and decide that its dinner time and not bother with robbing you. Since when do violent crimes only occur in the ghetto? Murders, rape, gang activity, and any other violent crime can happen anywhere.

    People get fired everyday from many different places. So say you and your family decide to stop for dinner but because your a real man you decide to leave your gun in the car. You're going in for dinner why would you need a gun criminals don't shoot up restaurants. So you get your food and your enjoying your meal, when the door opens and in walk some guy you never met before who got fired from the exact restaurant, your now eating in, and he's back to exact a little revenge. Or maybe the guy didn't work there at all but he found out his girlfriend, who is at your table refilling your water, has been cheating on him. You and your family are now and danger and because your a man, your gun is in the car.

    Yeah that's a made up scenario, but a bet I can find similar stories throughout the US. and yeah you're probably right 99% of us will never have to deal with that situation, but there is a chance. And no having a gun does not make you invincible, but it at least levels the field.

    .....actually that isn't too far fetched because something simillar happened at a restaurant near my old job about 6 years ago. Guys GF was working and dude busts in screaming about her cheating on him then he starts to knock stuff off of peoples tables then he pulled a knife out like a K-Bar and everybody in the restaurant went crazy, running out. The guy got tackled down by some people but he stabbed her a few times before they reached her, she didn't die but it was INSANE. So it is better to have a gun and not need it than to not have it at all. I should play the lottery because i've actually been in a few risky situations that would require the usage of a firearm.

  3. i used FB to post my motorcycle vlogs for a while but my "friends" never respond to my status questions because I don't have enough drama. I usually ask what color combinations would look best on my bike, or, random historical facts....I THINK it's fine but nobody else cares :(

    I also don't use twitter, I'm a leader not a follower!

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