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Posts posted by newOldUser

  1. If it's just the hard drive that's fried and you want to keep the laptop as a 2nd machine or pass it down to someone else you can try booting from one of the LiveCD linux versions (google Puppy Linux or Ubuntu LiveCD). Of course this assumes that you have a working CD reader. For storage once you have the LiveCD working use a thumbdrive. To use MS Word and MS Excel files use a program called OpenOffice, Look for how to install it on the forums of which ever linux distribution you're going to use.

    I've kept an old Toshiba out of the landfills for years now using this technique. I use that machine mostly for surfing the web and checking email. Works great.

  2. Welcome to the site. Enjoy your ride.

    A nice somewhat relaxing two-up ride is us-52 along the river heading east out of cincinnati. To change things up on the way back you can cross the river and ride KY-8 coming back. The only thing I don't like about us-52 is that the trees are sometimes close to the roads edge and deer will just step out of the tree line onto the road in front of you. Makes for some real butt-pucker moments.

  3. Welcome to the site. Enjoy your ride.

    Hope it all works out for you.

    Like you, my wife and I put in our years of raising the family. During that time we pretty much never thought about motorcycles. Either not enough time or too concerned about what a bad accident would mean to the kids. Now the youngest one has turned 21. The wife and I have, in the last couple of years. started thinking about "Us" again and what we want. I still love the kids and treasure every day that I had with them while they were growing up but now it time to move on.

    Like someone once said (or maybe it was a country-western song) "Life starts when the kids move out and the dog dies."

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