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Everything posted by nicol77

  1. nicol77


    dunno...I still have to call them, I hope so
  2. nicol77


    I will it might be a couple weeks though
  3. nicol77


    Danballa that goes for you to
  4. nicol77


    Since I already told everyone I am not on here to sell stuff..Ben I will give you you're first set of training wheels for free..just pm me if anyone else needs them
  5. nicol77


    no..he was supposed to get a 14 also..he is right I need to get some more gear I just like to mess with him
  6. nicol77


    yea i'm not real worried about it being more fast just getting rid of those ugly pipes...danballa already has to try to keep up..LOL
  7. nicol77


    this doesn't look to good
  8. nicol77


    is this what they are supposed to look like? http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/2742495/img/Anonymous/muffler-bearing.jpg
  9. nicol77


    I'll check them out..can't wait to put them on!
  10. pretty cool..that announcer in the background is annoying though
  11. it does sound hot.LOL..but when I spoke with corbin reps they told me it looks sweet and it keeps you from sliding around...wouldn't want the wife to fall off!
  12. that is what I bought..corbin carbon weave w/asphalt sides
  13. I hope it isn't uncomfortable..that would be a expensive mistake
  14. nicol77


    It looks stupid with the fender eliminator and stock exhausts though
  15. nicol77


    I hate the stock pipes on my 14 I think they are way to long..it sounds bad but I just got the new ones for the looks..if they give me better fuel economy that's good too!
  16. nicol77


    ok thanks for the info Zach
  17. nicol77


    sweet thanks for the info..however, I don't know anything about parts and stuff, so why do you need one when you get a aftermarket exhaust and not before?
  18. I noticed that there is a lot of new Galion people on here! I do wish I could move though
  19. nicol77


    No...what are muffler bearings??
  20. yea carbon weave, hopefully I like it...it looks cool anyway
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