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Everything posted by Gibby

  1. Gibby

    Bug Run

    From the album: Green Knights

  2. Gibby

    Green Knights

  3. Here’s another video for you. Pieced it together two days ago but had 'issues' with YouFuckToob over copyrights or something. Guess JZ and Linkin Park don't allow their music out on 'these internets'. BTW...If ANYONE does not want me to post this video or the other one for some reason or another, just PM me and I'll delete it. Have you guys been watching the news about personal permissions and YouTube? The states have gotten crazy with some of this shit. Anyway, if anyone is offended or doesn't want their image posted online, just tell me and I'll remove it. Just CMA...GIB!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxNzu9JEXbo
  4. idodishez... I am using a 'd-ring' Ram Mount ball attached to my handle bar, a three inch extension and a generic camera mount from Ram Mounts. I am sure they have another solution for you if you want to take a look at their website. http://www.ram-mount.com/Products/MotorcycleMounts/tabid/128/Default.aspx. Also, I have been looking at one of these as well, a little more shock resistant and weather proof...also mountable just about anywhere. http://www.tachyoninc.com/ The camera I was using was a Panasonic SDR-SW20...also weather proof and shock resistant, but If I crash, the camera is toast. That Tachyon looks like it can handle a fall...in fact, it did on one of the videos on their website. Hope that helps. GIB!!!
  5. Here is a short vid of the ride. I picked out two segments that actually showed some fun portions of the ride...ie corners. I had almost 2Gb of video to watch a pick from. Hope you like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKtweptoI40 btw...this was my first attempt to doing this sort of thing, so sorry if it seems lame to those of you that have a clue to making videos. GIB!!!!
  6. No Problem man. I am/was glad I could be there for you. Its nothing I wouldn't have done for any of you guys...we gotta look after our own. GIB!!!
  7. Soon, I first need a program that converts it to something usable then I need a program that can split the files up into managable youtooob pieces. Working it...GIB!!!
  8. Fun times guys...I had a blast. Sorry I wasn't able to get more of the ride on video. I did get 1.7Gb of vid though, a little over half the ride before the heat killed the battery on my camera. Will find a way to cut it up and post a few vids during the 'non-boring' parts. Next time I'll get FazerLady to wear a White Shirt... Unfortunately, I was not behind the guys that wrecked, so I didn't catch them on cam. BTW...after a full bird Colonel and a Major, Captain, Lieutenant and then a Tech Sergeant yelled at me for not getting ole boy help sooner...I think it is my place to tell us all...CALL A DAMN AMBULANCE!!! They were right though, he could have had internal problems or damaged his neck. Basically, don't let the victim tell you he is o.k. Adrenaline is still running the body and the pain is not there. Besides, its better to be safe than sorry. Glan you're o.k. D. GIB!!!
  9. Well, Fazerlady and i made it out again today for about 3 hours. Can't wait for warmer weather. We had to come back to let the kids outta their cage.
  10. Fazerlady and I made it out for about an hour. We were going to Springfield (CompAcc) for a new helmet but decided to drive instead. Still don't know the back roads up there yet from Dayton. Got a new NoLan N103 - . Had to take my mohawk off though - . GIB!!!
  11. Thanks guys, look forward to riding with any of you. GIB!!
  12. You know, not to get all political or anything, but what was that whole bail out thing about. Who the fuck did it bail out? Sure as shit not me...did FlyBoy say they were going to start charging an extra $60 as a fee. Where did those BILLIONS of dollars go? Oh that’s right...to pay credit card corporate bonus'! GIB!!!
  13. What thread??? Wait a minute, THESE aren't the droids I'm looking for...Moving along... GIB!!!
  14. Sounds about right for our society. Only the good people get in trouble for doing the right thing. We were talking today at work about what if you had to use your gun to defend yourself or someone else, sure, you're alive, but you're going to jail. Guess you should die instead. GIB!!!
  15. Update on the Update???? GIB!!!
  16. This is a riot. I mean hell, they were just being nice. Motorcycle people are such nice people. Those activists were the un-happy not so nice guys. :roll: GIB!!! http://glossynews.com/society/201001070305/activists-missing-after-declaring-war-on-leather-at-motorcycle-rally/
  17. Thanks All, I can't wait to ride with you guys. GIB!!!
  18. Holla all!!! My Beautiful Wife finally got me to do this now that I am back from my TDY and not balls to the wall with work. I am feening for a good ride ... aXe that ... ANY RIDE would do. Intro from My German Frau: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=34427 I have been riding for about 4 years now and haven't had any inkling to stop. I ride a 2009 Suzuki GSF 1250S/A Bandit. I came from a German spec 2003 Bandit 600. Both my wife and I were Members/Officers in the Spangdahlem AB Germany Green Knights Chapter 27 (The Eifel Riders) and are both looking forward to working with the local groups here in this area. I am in the Air Force and am stationed at Wright Patterson. Well, I look forward to riding with you guys/gals. Keep the rubber side down and the grey mater side sharp and steady. GIB!!!
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