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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. No problem my little taco, beats dealing with people bitching about CR
  2. I am about to tell people to go over to http://www.yellowbullet.com if they think they have outgrown this site. There are a ton of people on there who will beat you up and take your lunch money on the track or strip of you are willing to travel.
  3. Heard you were looking for a track day spot. I will sell you mine for $170
  4. I will need that gopro back before saturday please :)
  5. Sounds good, we are going to Milan this saturday morning so meeting at C&C is out.
  6. Seems legit, just let me know
  7. you putting a turbo on the bike from on3? :)
  8. Punch yourself in the face for me.


    thanks eric

  9. might be rolling out from C&C to go to Kil Kare to race. Trying to see if I can get a few people to go
  10. You are now FILL
  12. Already made something like that.
  13. I got a new click bang toy :)
  14. You are now TurboNova. No name changes for a year
  15. I did not see you posted in there lolz that was not directed at you that was towards those who cannot operate CR
  16. you get the 2nd runner up of AIDS invested crabs
  17. Will C&C be west this week and will you be there? I have something I need to pick your brain on.
  18. Let me know if you can get any of those 10/22 mags. I don't think my order is getting shipped :(
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