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Everything posted by wagner

  1. The bracket racing will start after the true street race. If you want to do both it should not be an issue.
  2. You will need to check in with a CR official to get your tech card. You will not be able to get a tech card from ANYBODY else, period. This is to make the tech process easier for us and to avoid anybody sneaking in without paying. Tech will be in lanes 6 and 7 ONLY, we will be using the rest of the lanes for other things.
  3. Added some additional information to the rules thread (last post) http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117034
  4. We will have a sign up sheet for True Street at check in where you get your tech card. You will need to put your name on that list, and index if you know what it will be. ***YOU MUST DECLAIR YOUR INDEX BEFORE WE LEAVE FOR THE CRUISE*** As we are doing final tech for the cruise it must be on the car by your car number. We will be writing the car number down and the index before people leave. If you think your car is going to be on the edge of tech or have any questions come grab one of us to look at your car. ***THIS IS THE MOST IMPORANT PART**** Have fun
  5. wagner

    sawmill ????

    That's because you have boundry issues and scare small children.
  6. wagner

    sawmill ????

    There is something better, meet up at QSL on Friday Nights for their little get together? Its pretty much impossible to set anything up that people will go to. Let me give you the bitching response posts that will be made based on past tries at this: 10. I don't want to stand around in a parking lot. 9. I can't be out that late, I have kids! 8. That is to early to end, I have kids that I need to wait on to go to bed! 7. I don't like the food there 6. There won't be enough ricers there to laugh at 5. That is on the wrong side of town for me 4. There is no food close by 3. I don't want to drive that far for a a car meet. 2. There is no beer there 1. I don't want to actually have to see people from CR that I have talked shit to.
  7. wagner

    sawmill ????

    Yeah, that has been tried, failed, and good luck finding a businees that will allow want that mess due to liability, not to mention having non knuckle draggers enforce rules. If the shoe fits....
  8. Yes, the level of work that he puts into cars is just nuts. He learned from one of the best in Boyd Coddington. His work is not janky and is always done right. There is a reason he is always winning awards for his work. http://www.chipfoose.com/ws_display.asp?filter=Hemisfear The amount of money in parts along that went into a car like this is nuts, does not include the labor. http://mecum.com/auctions/lot_detail.cfm?CFGRIDKEY=FP0912-137254
  9. Its race week, if you have not signed up yet there are plenty of spots still
  10. Great! Spread the word and let people know. We still need to get about 30 more cars signed up to prevent future issues.
  11. Got plenty of low costs spots open still. Get signed up so we can make this track day happen! Tell your friends, tell your family, hell, tell your dog :fuckyeah:
  12. I like the one that has teh 2JZ in it, that car is naughty
  13. As much heat as that tranny will see in race trim I would make 100% sure its fixed right. You don't want to have a thermal event and test out that new fire getup you got...
  14. Yep, that's plan B and C. Dad is going to call them for the dash today, I might have him check on the speaker covers.
  15. I need the following 4th Gen F-body Parts: Dash for a 1996 Firebird/Trans Am. Can't have any mounting points broken and be a total plie of fail. Speaker Covers for 2000 Trans Am. Can't be to beat up but don't have to be car show pretty. If you know anybody selling these items please let me know. Thanks,
  16. I've had both types on 2 different cars and now am using a long BMR relocated off the transmission. Body Mount Short: Lots of road noise but when or if you really try to get after it that's where this one shines. BMR told me they steer customers towards the shorter body mount setups when people are trying to run low 10's or high 9's. Advantange is you can really hit the tires harder with one of these. Long Standard mount: Running this right now with it off the trans and it has worked well. Better than stock, cut some nice 60' with it and not as much noise. I went with BMR because I had some store credit with them. Pretty much everything Scott said rings true as always.
  17. Swing and a miss... http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj230/vigo2008/1242688895703-1.gif
  18. I've been aroundsome clean, well built race cars, but this is one of the best. Thank you all for the kind words, I'm not a great pictar taker, but I'm getting there.... The owner wants a banner done for his shop, poster made, and somehow wants the article on a nice wood backing (like what in the news does). Looks like I'm going to have to learn photoshop and how to get the article mounted for him
  19. wagner

    Live Music

    One of my newer favorite bands
  20. So I was youtube surfing and started watching some live music stuff. I ran into this and it melted my face. I had never really listed to Body Count before, this shit is pretty rad. Post up some other killer live performances from other bands.
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