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Everything posted by wagner

  1. This thread went from this: http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/206496-1/Stage-dancing-drop-smash.gif? To this: http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/173600-3/Hulk-throws-bear.gif? I like where it continues to go
  2. If NHRA tells you to leave because you suck, that is bad. If this guy actually listens to the racers it might get better.
  3. Sure beats trecking it out to that dump in NJ right?
  4. Also got the NMCA event too, and is having several other heads up events.
  5. Oh.My.FUCKYEAH http://www.competitionplus.com/drag-racing/rumor-mill/23201-shakedown-at-the-summit Hope this is true...
  6. I can count to potato in several languages, I am good to go.
  7. The best part of the weekend, all of Ray's new fans. There was a whole group of people that stayed the rest of the day to see if we were going to make another hit.
  8. No, that requires someone who knows what the fuck they are doing, not someone who thinks a lambo motor is like two supra motors that you can just put 2 GT40 turbos on and make 2,000 to the wheel....
  9. Well what else did you expect? Detroit is one of the places you go to when you get kicked out of hell. And this race crap just needs to stop now. There are equally worthless people of all races, creeds, and colors on this in this country with the right to vote. There are plenty of bottom feeding, sister fucking, white trash types that vote based on how much SSI money they get.
  10. What? You mean you just don't plop one of these cars down and just mash the gas? I have been to the Ohio Mile a couple of times and let me tell you it is not easy from what I have seen. I got a whole new respect for anybody who tries to run their junk wide open for an entire mile.
  11. I have a soft spot in my heart for fox body mustang fun. A fox body was one of the first cars i scared the living shit out of myself in
  12. If Brian will vouch for you that is all I need. Welcome, please ignore all the trolls, smartass types, and e-fast guys around here.
  13. The only things I fucking hate more in life than Instagram is slow loading internet porn, tow hooks on hondas, hipsters, and people who drive with their god damn turn signals on.
  14. No idea, there have been zero updates. Rumor has it that NASA and the feds came in and took everything. So much new science has come from this car they had to stop it before all hell broke loose. That and some of the "ideas" on how they are going to get to 2000hp that I have heard are just magical.
  15. Car still does not move under its own power and excuses keep coming.
  16. Yes, some people have better things to do than be phone whores.
  17. I think you are going to see this team sneak up on the field. Jim Head is a pretty smart guy and if he can just focus on tuning the car only, they could really put some numbers down.
  18. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Here is my input: Time management is your BEST friend. You get out of it what you put in. Prepare to not have a life. Talk to different schools before you choose. Franklin was the best fit for me in how they offered classes and cost. OSU is going to be a “better” experience and carries a bit more weight. However, at Franklin the Professors do a great job teaching you what works in practice, not what is in their text book, that they wrote, and forced you to buy. I learned some business things I had never been exposed to in undergrad, but it was the other things I learned that have helped more.
  19. You never can have enough beer, blowjobs, or horsepower.
  20. I guess if you need to add weight to the car.
  21. Wait till he sees his tax bill, many a desk will be punched. The CEO of my company was here in Columbus this week. We asked him what the impact of the fiscal cliff would be on our industry, business in general, and the global economy. The first word out of his mouth was " catastrophic". So instead of helping to fix the issue Obama goes on vacation? Explain to me how this is a good idea.
  22. Gary, I am not going to lie this thread is horrible and should have got the golden coat hanger before the submit button was hit. I hope you have learned something from this and may god have mercy on your e-soul. <3 wagner
  23. I saw Willard Kinser destroy a brand new 632ci NOS motor at indy during the burnout contest. His 85 year old ass just got out of the car, told the crew to tow it back to the pit, got on his golf cart, and drove off with zero fucks given. His crew was less than happy considering they just got the car back together. Car in question: http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/NMCALSX-Shoot-Out-2012/i-R53xG9M/0/M/20121013_154232-M.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/NMCALSX-Shoot-Out-2012/i-R5Bt5FF/0/M/IMG_6127-M.jpg
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