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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. There is a big race down at SGMP "28s gone wild" that should be pretty good.
  2. Best grudge racing around here will be up at Milan or maybe Chitown if you want to drive that far. Got to travel to the south for the best stuff, but lots of potatos down there.
  3. I just sit back and laugh at the failtrain that is in there. Hell, I won't even be around most weekends to play grabass with those fools, I will be out some where in OH, MI, or IN racing :lolguy:
  4. LoLerblading at facebook seriousness. Never seen people get so worked up over playing grabass in a parking lot on the weekend. Only racing most of those fools do is to see who can be first in line at Taco Bell
  5. happy birthday
  6. Let me know if you can get any of those 10/22 mags. I don't think my order is getting shipped :(
  7. You are now FILL
  8. So as I am driving home today I see this flash of white darting in and out of traffic. The car is quick and appeared to be driven by Tony Stark
  9. Still 100% lost lol
  10. What are you talking about?
  11. At least you have the balls to say it to some ones face
  12. I just had a contractor reply back with will do at the same time, creepy
  13. Stop signing my name to bullshit rep stuff, you have done it more than one time.
  14. Not sure yet, depends on what is going on with school.
  15. You are now TurboNova. No name changes for a year
  16. I did not do it there oscar
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