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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. Not sure yet, depends on what is going on with school.
  2. Stop signing my name to bullshit rep stuff, you have done it more than one time.
  3. I just had a contractor reply back with will do at the same time, creepy
  4. I don't think I am on the level they need :(
  5. yes he is or was doing time for touching little girls i think
  6. Good Guys saturday? Dad and brother are going to be in town and going.
  7. the amount of people who can't follow directions is scary.
  8. No can do I have to help out with a track build and I am doing the biggest loser at work so no beer for me :( But I wouldhave no problem coming out in the future to help encourage you along
  9. At least you have the balls to say it to some ones face
  10. How about I punch you in y our taint
  11. I got your shirt fool, you got the money :fuckyeah: ?
  12. I got your shirt, let me know where and when you want to meet so we can exchange money for product.
  13. you avatar is fucking epic
  14. On my camera still. I am going to try and get them uploaded
  15. No I did not hear anything about that. I have not been up there in a while
  16. Have you heard from bottlefed focus? I thought he was training you and he has not got back to me about the rest of my workout he owes me
  17. Well tell him to contact me ASAP. If I do not hear from him by the end of the week I will not be happy
  18. I mean really? He just made another post that is just about as bad. I don't have time for this stuff and it is just going to be fucking gay.


    mouth still hurts and will for a while from what i understand. Nice thing about pain it reminds you are still alive

  19. happy birthday
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