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Everything posted by wagner

  1. wagner

    New Car

    I would go over to camaroz28.com or some sort of 3rd gen website for info like that. If it were me, that car would get at least a gen 1 small block chevy. If you want to do it right, LSX that whore. The only way to make a 305 go fast is toss it off a cliff, that is just science.
  2. Smoke crack and beat some hookers in a nice hotel
  3. Dude, you should work for NASA because that is some smart ass shit right there. You would get reduce a huge amount of social problems this country has too.
  4. So if I understand this right the fact we allow the fucktards from jersey shore to live and possible breed we are holding all of humanity back? Dumb people breed quicker, it is a simple and sad fact
  5. There are people who are not going to like what I am about to say, but they can deal with it. I think for the good of humanity some people (men and women) should have their right to have children taken away. Think about, we allow our unfit to breed like rabbits and wonder why there are so many issues with this country. Imagine a world where there are real consequences for your actions, you know like in the old days when this country was worth a shit….
  6. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, this seems like the most logical solution^^
  7. Most of those fucks would not know a fast car if it was sitting on their dick.
  8. This, and I think Texas Speed just started a section on their site that sells stuff for this.
  9. Oh shit, that is what is left of Mike Brown's car... Edit: "Well, in the semi final round Mike was on a good pass, but got into his own oil on the top end and ended up hitting the wall. Good news is Mike is just fine, the car...not so much. Thank goodness for all the safety equipment, and fast response by the MIR safety crew."
  10. Already banned one from the thread, anybody else wans to be a troll ass bitch the troll rifle has something for you
  11. Not my kind of car, but you are putting work in. Welcome to the party and get ready to be flamed, some people have nothing better to do than be a cock to new people.
  12. Well next year I hope to make more track events and drag more members of CR with me. Rumor has it there will be more grudge nights and those will be fun to shoot. I learned a ton this year shooting videos and how to edit. I also would like to thank those who helped take footage, Patrick and Nic. If I can get a big boy lens for my SLR I would like to mix in some stills, better editing software, and better angles.
  13. 2 track days and IFO mixed in for good measure http://www.youtube.com/user/waggz311?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/3B7CklVHdXk Next year I hope to mix in some GoPro fun...
  14. Look at the bright side, that could have happen at the track at full tilt
  15. Tons of fun thanks Anthony and Phil you little skank for setting this up.
  16. We are listening to the game and watching ball state play, my brother in law coaches there.
  17. OSU looking real good so far...
  18. Alabama hot pocket for your mother
  19. There is an international treaty that governs space. China got in trouble for blowing up a rouge satalite in space a few years ago when they violated the treaty.
  20. Another amazing thread that wastes bandwith people could be using to look at pron with...
  21. Oh there would be MANY state and federal laws that get broken....
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