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Everything posted by wagner

  1. If you look at the cost to build a Stock or Super Stock car any of these are not that bad of a deal. The Cobra Jet cars are like cheating with how well they run. I do love the idea of a 427/5 running in SS/A
  2. I am pretty sure Mopar did the first dragpak car, and this even dates back to the muscle car era too....
  3. I might be a drankin the Meyer kool-aid now...
  4. Source? I keep hearing about this Urban/Duke thing but not a single source.
  5. I am pretty sure the whole Urban Meyer thing at halftime was started by some kid on an OSU board.....
  6. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/193316-1/Motorcycle_showoff_002.gif?
  7. Good time was had by all and GN fans tune into the end...
  8. wagner

    big thanks

    Your car is nasty and you are a pretty cook cat.
  9. What time will you be there wife and I will being some snacks
  10. Ok I knew it was someone thought it was gabe for some reason. That BJJ match was freaking great. You have honor and class, that is why you don't dig the wife comment, and are correct about the lack of adding things to CR.
  11. Will make the older cars go up in value maybe? It is exciting because you can now get something build without trying to find several parts cars or a solid no rust car.
  12. I really thought it was you, maybe he just had names mixed up, maybe I got the names mixed up, maybe I don't care. Point is you call joe out at anything better be ready because he is going to bring the heat. He had someone call him out over his jitsu at his party, next thing you know there was a freaking match going on in his living room. It was great.
  13. I thought you ran your mouth at joe, told him to meet you at bw3s and he showed but you did not? Maybe that was someone else? I do remember laughing with joe about the situation at his halloween party. Then again cr trolls rarely leave the safety of their keyboards
  14. You now have AIDS and god knows what else from standing that close to him Pretty cool to meet him I am sure
  15. Joe please calm down, I don't want to be a character witnesses at a trial Aj, Joe is not the person to troll ask Gabe how that ends.
  16. Had some fun and got video of the people who actual show up and race. If I missed you it is because I don't know your car. Out of all the people who said they were going to show I saw 2....
  17. Please tell me you are kidding, none of those are bracket classes ......
  18. I watermark women I sex with my man seed. So as someone who takes pics at trackdays and other events should I watermark my trash pictures?
  19. Wife and I will be coming up. I need to get the camera gear charged too...
  20. My car is WAY slow to be playing with the NT crew. I am either going to ride up with scott, or come up seperate and take some pics and video.
  21. That guy is VERY lucky, looks like that bitch is up on 1 wheel! Those guys in DR, Outlaw 10.5, and X275 are nuts. Putting down at least 1,500HP to that small of a tire with no bars is just crazy.
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