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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Yes sir, one of the things I learned in my econ class: Politicians only do what is good for them in the short term for re-election in regards to the economy. "Oh hai guyz lets fuck Obama and ruin his attempt to get re-elected, oh wait that might hurt the economy and the united states? FUCK IT PLAY POLITICS LIKE A BAUCE"
  2. Reading some of the UK papers take on this, and it is kind of funny. They pretty much call it how it is, bad politics caused all of this and it should have been avoided. Shit is about to get real, wait for the nightly news tag lines...
  3. How much credibility does the S&P have these days? From what I was reading not much...
  4. We were doing a TON of business at work until the debt bullshit started. Now everybody is afraid to do business because of those fucktards in Washington, and now the media has eveyrbody spooked. We had a deal shutdown because of this crap.
  5. Jobs report in, uneployment down, jobs added U MAD NOW BRO? Got to love the media and their fear drivin, market crashin, fuckery...
  6. Depends on the track, and weather. The range from the 12.60's to the 12.80's on all motor.
  7. The media is really not helping the situation at all either.
  8. It is YEARS of failed policy by all parties. YEARS of pissing money away and now economics has showed up to collect the tab. Our political system is offically a joke run by nothing more than trash in suits. When the revolution happens they will be the first ones to go.
  9. wagner

    July 30th MCIR

    They only have certain dates they do this...
  10. I love how everybody just loves to blame Obama for everything..... I heard Obama caused WWII and the death of Hightower!
  11. You will break driveline parts before you reach the limits of the motor. It also depends on how you drive the car. If you face rape it on a regular basis the amout of power that kills will go down. A good heads cam and intake package will put you close to 500 wheel.
  12. wagner

    Hightower dead

    If you don't know who Hightower is I think you are a terrorist
  13. wagner


    I think I caught it and I agree if we are on the same page...
  14. wagner


  15. I don't think I have kept someone from joining this site that followed the rules there sport. Remove you from the oven? I have been told I am not allowed to take the trash out of here anymore since some people got butthurt and want to feel all e-tough for slamming noobz... ANYWAY Good intro and welcome.
  16. No reason why he won't get in, this site is not just for people from Columbus.
  17. I have also wanted to start play with the music volume too in the background. It can be a good tool depending on where in the video you are at. The project I have in mind will actually need music to really set the tone. I think playing the song in the background will be a requirement, but it will be turned way down in certaint parts.
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