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Everything posted by wagner

  1. http://www.break.com/index/captain-awesome-artillery-stunt-fail-2116895
  2. So let me get this straight.... The NCAA has no problem with Texas showing HIGH SCHOOL GAMES on the longhorn network? How is that not an NCAA violation? "oh hey we gonna show your games on the longhorn network, wanna come to texas while your at it?" NCAA is a joke, ESPN is a bigger joke. Where is all the coverage for UNC and the fact their coach was FIRED for allowing academic cheating and a coach moonlighting as a scout? ESPN has more imporant things to cover like when they tossed Michigan under the bus for their players practicing more than the NCAA allows. Then the NCAA plowed UM for that, yet other schools do it too. In short I hope ESPN burns to the ground along with the NCAA
  3. wagner


    I thought you would get a kick out of that. Nothing better than trolling a troll and making him look like he just wrecked the short bus :fuckyeah: After I am done with all of that I might fire up the red dragon and see what is crack-a-lackin
  4. wagner


    Hanging gutters on the house, drinking, then laughing at people trying to troll on facebook.
  5. wagner

    D42 tonight

    Hanging gutter on house tonight
  6. Looks like he found out Heaven is really not that far away...
  7. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/189328-1/Girls_fight_chokedfull.gif?
  8. Interested where are you located
  9. No stiring, it is imporant I think that the real humans of this country talk about this stuff and try to make things better. We need to make up for the large and scary portion of this country that is not educated and eating the shit ice cream sammich as the watch MTV.
  10. All over the place, CNN, MSNBC, Fake News, local news sites, other message boards. People just crack me up over this stuff. Now mind you, I know enough just to be dangerous, but I also know when someone is trying to sell me a turd in a snuggie.
  11. Some of the trash I have read people want to place the blame in all the wrong places.
  12. The S&P and the GOP have done more damage to the global economy in the past week than the amount of damage they want you to think the president ever could have caused.
  13. wagner

    Would you????

    If you have the motor hookup that is big. Trans is easy Power Glide or TH-350. Getting the girl down on weight should not be to big of an issue in theory. Nice thing about g-bodies is the amount of products out there for suspension.
  14. wagner

    Would you????

    If you are going to try for single digits be ready to spend $15-20K. To go that fast and keep everything together is not cheap. It is not as hard as it used to be, but still not as cheap.
  15. Here is how I see this gonig down. 1. He is coming at you talking like he is going to cut you and does not have his weapon out. 2. He is not dressed for combat. 3. If he is talking and not acting that means he is full of shit. 4. Wife and kids means you let the people who are paid to deal with this, do it. I would have dialed 911, left the line open with the phone in my had as he ran his mouth. Keep him talking and stall for the cops to get there. When the cops get there, laugh as the shit hits the fan. I mean how many days in the week do you get to see a fucking dumbass get tazed and beat right in front of you. After everything is done, he is in cuffs, you walk up and say "that is what I got for you, bitch". Walk off buy your nomz, go home, tell the wife how you just handled the situation like a bauce, and drink a beer stone cold style.
  16. wagner


    GOT DAMN IT! Oh well, we need to talk anyway about some stuff soon
  17. wagner

    Would you????

    Phil, here is what I would do: - Set your goals (how fast and what class) - ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS AND DO RESEARCH - If you want to hang the hoops in the air, it is all in suspension and setup - Know when to say when ($$$, speed, and when the wall is coming up). I think it is really cool you guys are going to put some man pants on and try this. There are a lot of shit talking asshats on here that *think* they know what it takes to do this. Personally I would be looking into 2 things: http://www.renegaderacingassociation.com/ or X275 racing. The 10.50 index class would be a great start for you guys to do some learning and not tear up a tone of equipment.
  18. wagner


    I need this rear end. We need to talk...
  19. wagner

    Would you????

    Not only driving but setting a car up. There is more than getting a car to go fast than horsepower, cubic dollars, and the ability to talk trash.
  20. wagner

    Would you????

    Records grab attention. Mark's car is the fastest IRS vette and might end up being the fastest IRS car in the world. That is not easy, or cheap to do right. Marketing might have some to do with it, but the fact remains it is the fastest until someone knocks him and IPS off the top of that mountain. You want to put BPA on the map? Win, that is what puts LMR, Livernois, Vengance, Proline and every other major shop on the radar of the masses. To be honest if you want to get on that level you have to spend the big bucks, or take down the big boys by not spending the big bucks.
  21. wagner

    Would you????

    I would do a low 10 high 9's car. Why? Because that is pretty much the cut off point IMO when you really have to put lots of money into upkeep in a motor. How often do you want to check the valve train for isses? How many passes between teardowns? There is more than you think that goes into going fast and keeping it together on a regular basis. Ask guys who have stupid fast cars and they will tell you that the upkeep is very expensive. If it were me and you want to have "fun" keep it simple.
  22. wagner

    Would you????

    You were not such a barebackin motherfucker we would not be in this situation. If you really want to win at the track, that is where you need to put your money.
  23. wagner

    Would you????

    If I were Phil, having great facial hair, a height problem, and maybe an STD this is what I would do... -GTO would be put back to close to stock and safe. -All other funds would go to race car
  24. wagner

    8/6 tonight

    Hanging out at casa de Wagner
  25. Your plan has a fatal flaw, it makes to much sense. No current elected official will support something that puts pressure on the rich. There is not enough money in it for them ...
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