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Posts posted by NINJA14

  1. Well I about got scammed on craigslist and the seller is no longer working with me. So I need a document notarized, could take less than 5 minutes, I can travel to your location and will pay you cash. If your interested in giving me a hand PM me or send an email to zx14cc@yahoo.com Make sure to include your phone number so I can just give you a call! THANKS!

  2. I wear cargo's and oakleys when I'm cruisin local. I've got a full set of gear too. Ride with it 90% of the time. So I dont think that auto qualifies you for a squid, when it's your time to go, your number is up. Anyways I say every week I'm going to go, so, I'll see ya if I see ya there.

    I should be in.

    Squids are asshats that dont wear any gear. They wear cargos, wifebeaters, flippy floppys and 10 year old Oakleys. Ok sometimes newer Oakleys. They also like to ride around with their left rear passenger peg down like they are numba1stuntas. We don't wave to these lost souls. We tell them we think they are #1. :thefinger:

    Everyone on Campus and in Lancaster are squids. :rolleyes:

  3. I hope you do carry a gun cause I dont really think you have any friends. You sound like a shit bag. Whats more is if I woulda caught you in my garage stealing you woulda wished you never even thought about it and you'll be hoping the police do find you. That's my 2 cents.

  4. Proud of myself for making a decent thread! LOL jp. Anyways I had the shinko 005 advanced on my Buell and I bounced the foot pegs off the ground many times, scraped and leaned into the every once and a while. While of course everyone likes to believe they are an AMA superstar, I really use my bike for communting, fun riding, and short quick jaunts. I could ride harder but why when I ride on the street 90% of the time, I'd rather live to ride another day then take a chance of putting it down. I hit the occasional twistie, I handle them pretty well (looking forward to going to putnam). Plus I believe alot of times you just pay extra for a name. However paying another 200 or 300 whatever to have a settled mind is worth it to me. Might as well slap some Pirelli's on it and call it a day I guess then, Correct? I'm sure Hoblick will steer me in the right direction, awesome dude!

  5. I wanted to hear some opinions on Shinko tires. I personally use them and I am very satisified. I've used the 005 adavanced on my Buell and the 003 drags on my zx14. However alot reviews I've read are either hit or miss. So anybody have any experiences?

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