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Everything posted by tmassey

  1. I can't sit down...my ass still hurts from buying this thing.
  2. thats the new sign for " ROAD SPLITS AHEAD "
  3. tmassey

    Harley Rant

    so they decided to ride at the speed of their IQ.....i'm surprised they made it to 45
  4. i would worry more about crashing...then landing on my gun
  5. i like the new front fairing...but i like the original seat and rear fender....but i'm an old fart....never cared for led tail lights during the day time. again...i'm an old fart.... ride safe
  6. now this post is interesting....being a hillbilly and former army....this is funny one
  7. welcome to newbville !
  8. reminds me of what Merril Lynch did to the american people that had money in the stock market
  9. the salesman told me it would be hard sitting down after buying this bike.
  10. my name is cunt -sway- low....nice to meet you
  11. metzler me880 are good long running tires
  12. the outlet mall at lodi / burbank, ohio rt 83 and interstate 71 ...medina county

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  13. shooting at tires for an iphone is just out right stupid...as red would say" YOU'RE A DUMB ASS " if someone breaks in my house and i see him reach in his waist band...yep...i'm in fear of my life...a dead man tells no tales but to shoot over a freaking cell phone...is unbelievable. what a black eye is gave the rest of us normal ccw permit holders.
  14. i got mine done where the trash trucks go and get weighted....i think any certified scale can do it.
  15. the outlet mall has a no weapons sign at their main entrance...just an f.y.i.

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  16. try hot weather underarmor type shirts under your leather...works for me.
  17. alot of nice bikes out there.
  18. tmassey

    wants a fatty

    never knew ohio had valleys like that.
  19. tmassey

    wants a fatty

    well...she has a strange way of checking tire pressure.......
  20. be thankful that she's gone......and you can laugh about it. when the right one comes along...you will know. have fun shopping tho.... terry
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