This time I gave it a little thought....
You: Hello
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
You: Can you help me?
Stranger: whats up?
Stranger: i think so
Stranger: what can i do for u
You: I'm scared, my mom and dad are mad
You: they are yeling
Stranger: yeh,parents yells
Stranger: i think you cant stop them
You: its loud and mom said she leaving with my uncle Rob
Stranger: thats their own things
You: Do your mom and dad yell
Stranger: sometimes
Stranger: but not often
You: I think its bad cuse sometimes dad hits mom
Stranger: and as they getting older
Stranger: they dont yell as much as before
You: dont tell on me okay im not sopose to tell
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 23
Stranger: u?
You: 11
You: Have you heard of CR?
Stranger: No, whats' that
You: Oh nothing..
Stranger: oh,
Stranger: sorry about the yelling thing ,kid
You: Its okay. they yell then go to bed. It get loud then to but dad says its beceasue he loves mom
Stranger: okay then
You: I just think its diferent becasue my moms crying now and said the police are comming to take dad back. I dont want that.
You: Oh SHIT SON!!! dad is choking mom. You gota help me!
Stranger: What! Is this real?
You: Dude I'm 11 years old, how could I make this shit up. Call the cops!
Stranger: I don't where you are... you call them.
You: Dad said I can't leave the room or he would...never mind
Stranger: Is your mom okay?
You: I don't know. Now dad is crying and moms just sitting in the bathtub. I think something is wrong casue dad keeps telling her to wake up.
You: I should go.
Starnger: Wait, please tell me this is a joke.
You: You're a sick fucker you know that!!! Why whould I make this shit up?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.