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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Okay.. so who was it? Stranger: hi Stranger: im 20 male you You: Are you from CR? Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  2. This time I gave it a little thought.... You: Hello Stranger: hello You: Hi You: Can you help me? Stranger: whats up? Stranger: i think so Stranger: what can i do for u You: I'm scared, my mom and dad are mad You: they are yeling Stranger: yeh,parents yells Stranger: i think you cant stop them You: its loud and mom said she leaving with my uncle Rob Stranger: thats their own things You: Do your mom and dad yell Stranger: sometimes Stranger: but not often You: I think its bad cuse sometimes dad hits mom Stranger: and as they getting older Stranger: they dont yell as much as before You: dont tell on me okay im not sopose to tell You: how old are you? Stranger: 23 Stranger: u? You: 11 You: Have you heard of CR? Stranger: No, whats' that You: Oh nothing.. Stranger: oh, Stranger: sorry about the yelling thing ,kid You: Its okay. they yell then go to bed. It get loud then to but dad says its beceasue he loves mom Stranger: okay then You: I just think its diferent becasue my moms crying now and said the police are comming to take dad back. I dont want that. You: Oh SHIT SON!!! dad is choking mom. You gota help me! Stranger: What! Is this real? You: Dude I'm 11 years old, how could I make this shit up. Call the cops! Stranger: I don't where you are... you call them. You: Dad said I can't leave the room or he would...never mind Stranger: Is your mom okay? You: I don't know. Now dad is crying and moms just sitting in the bathtub. I think something is wrong casue dad keeps telling her to wake up. You: I should go. Starnger: Wait, please tell me this is a joke. You: You're a sick fucker you know that!!! Why whould I make this shit up? Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  3. Stranger: hi You: Hey... Stranger: asl? You: What? Stranger: age sex location You: Old, No Thanks and at work Stranger: sex=male or female Stranger: no thanks too You: I prefer females You: What about you? Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  4. Good luck with all that. It's like finding a DSM that hasn't been beat to hell.
  5. I remember that too, up off 270 buy 315 and Sawmill i believe... Anyway, yeah.. Who just lets their car, ANY car sit on the side of the road like that.
  6. That's bad ass! Definatly better then the last audi vidoe that was posted. Where the kid took his moms S4 out and it took him 45 seconds to hit 150... from 75mph. Why don't you do that to one of yours?
  7. That's a good thing... right?
  8. Yeah I'll pass. I really believe that looking at that kind of shit has an affect on people... and not in a good way, it's just not natural.
  9. lol, how can you fap to that shit? Too funny
  10. No try looking up big ugly fat girls with fucked up teeth... BAM!!! Dyno porn!
  11. :gtfo: That's just stupid.
  12. Becasue... Do you need a reason to run 4's? So why do you need a reason to run 3's. Shit would be crazy!! Hahah
  13. Ohhh... Okay, that make sence. As you inch close to the anchor you use the "come along" to tighten the line... I knew I had to be missing something.
  14. Wow, that is pretty bad ass. And it looks like he may have put something over the fuel cell, in the first pic the cell is exposed to the back of the car in red. But if you look at the last pic of the car you can't see the red fuel cell.
  15. I attempted to race a sheriff on night. I was just out cursing looking for some fun probably around 11:00-12:00 at night. I had installed my cam the weekend before so I wanted to get a good bench mark. I was on 270 doing about 55 just waiting for something to pop up I’m just crusin there and I see a set of headlights coming up fast so I got on it a bit. The guy had to of been doing 85-90mph by my est. I was rollin at 55 he got maybe a car behind me before I started to pull on him I got up to about 115mph and saw that he wasn’t going to catch me so I slowed down to get side by side. I look over and see the big yellowish gold star on the side of the door. My stomach just dropped… I taped the breaks and just drifted on back until the cop was long gone. Hahaha Stupid I know, but where ever he was going had of been important because there was no doubt that my ass should have been stopped.
  16. Okay, I still don't see how that helps you get your car unstuck. Are you attaching the line to you car then the anchor? If you are, how does having a line attached to an anchor help? If you're driving away from the anchor... well you're going to be held back by the anchor so you won't go anywhere, right? And if you drive towards the anchor there will just be slack in the line and you'll still be stuck becasue after all if you could just drive towards the anchor in the 1st palce whay do you need one? I feel like such a dumbass because I don't understand, it's driving me crazy!
  17. If I was Eminem (or any musician for that matter) I'd ask to do a song with him and get $$$$ for it. Rather then just have him do it on his own for fun...
  18. Well that's why... With the size of the turbo’s, it doesn't even look like they would fit under the hood! I wonder how fast you could get a car to run if you didn't have to stay in a particular class and weren't limited to tire size, CI, fuel or power adders?
  19. Wow that sucks.. I'm not even going to get into that mess but I will say that you have a point in there... Anyway, I wonder what happened to the cop in the video. The kid filming didn't really handle it in a... ummm, professional? manner but it took some balls to do what he did and the cop didn’t even have an explanation. Shit he was honking at him for a while too, what if it was an emergence and he was trying to flag down the cop for help. The cop didn’t respond right either IMO, but whatever.
  20. I'm lost how would this work? I'm not saying it couldn't or doesn't, I'm just having a hard time following in my head.
  21. That doesn't look like fun at all. Everyone who went down it, looked like they had second thoughts after.
  22. NIIICCE!!! Ever since I got the Subie, I've been looking for turns. Good on ramps and round abouts are hard to find. Looks like I have somewhere to go now...
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