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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Good luck with that. If you could talk the guy down to about $20K for the Z06 and could get it repaired for and back to new for about $15-20K more, you'd still save about $25-30K over buying one from a dealer. Not something I would do personally becasue of all the headach involved, but you could have a $40-45K C6Z06...
  2. Yep, I read that too. 300hp V6 aint a bad starting point for someone. I'm not a fan of them at all, too big and bulky IMO.
  3. Main3s


    Yeah, why not. 2 weeks ago I sparred 6 roounds. 2 with a MMA fighter, 2 with a Kick boxer and 2 with a"tuff guy" Yeah, but if it's fake why pick a GTP!? I have one and even at it's fastest I never shit talked like it was an 8 second car. If it's worth half a fuck then it only runs MAYBE mid 11's.
  4. :funny: :funny: http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/bowdown.gif
  5. I have slicks in the back of my GTP... pics coming soon.
  6. I was just thinking abou this thread... good job mang, 20 lbs is when they say you can start to see a difference. I got as low as 193 but I'm starting to go back up now that I have incorperated a little weight lifting to my work outs. the good thing is I was at 17% body fat and I'm down to 15%. Goal now is about 185-190 lbs and 8-10% body fat. Keep it up!
  7. Main3s


    I'm not the jackass in question and since he'll probably puss out on that too I'll go a few rounds with ya. And if it helps, I do have GTP! I get 16 oz and you get 20 oz. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/boxer.gif Since this thread is trash anyway, where do you box at?
  8. Main3s


    These aren't his terms, don't you know that by now. He's said HIS terms 100x before. Just so everyone else is clear.... HERPS TERMS... PLEASE READ! A. He only races sometimes in the winter doing only 40-140 rolls when it's 45*. So if your car is up for the winter or you don't want to risk racing on cold salted roads you're a bitch. Except of course if can make it, then you're a fucking tard for street racing when it's 45* out because OMFG his GTP spins out at 100+. B. He won't race at a later date. Either you make it out to meet up with him and his partner at exactly the right time or you're just a shit talking bitch. What's that you say? You’ll need a day to get your car ready? You want to wait until it warms up before doing 40-140 for $1.5k!? Who the fuck do you think you are!? You don't own a monster GTP like him, how dare you make excuses! EXCEPT of course if you can, meet up at HIS time and except his terms in part A. then (see exception in part A.) or he'll just ignore you because the awesomeness of his GTP is too great to be bother with your piece of shit! C. What part of only 40-140 roll don’t you get!? Assuming the stars line up just right, your willing to race him on an agreed upon date when it’s 55* out, he doesn’t ignore you, you have the money BUT to see what’s what you want a DIG race too Get that shit out of here. This is Jesus’ chariot we’re talking about here, what kind of shit talking ricer are you!? No dice! D. You agree to all the terms in parts A, B, and C and somehow don’t get another “term” congrats you win a race against the all mighty and powerful GTP112. Don’t cum in your pants yet because just in case you didn’t know Street Racing is gay and he’s not going to jail for dragging your shit car around 270. Better meet him at the track now bitches. E. He’ll own 5 people on this forum full of shit talking rice! Sign up on his list to get raped by his family car if you dare and make sure you bring the $1,500 with you. Wait, no one ever said anything about a $25.00 entry fee. Nadda, aint goanna happen. Look, he’s willing to race for $1,500 but my fellow GTP’er isn’t a chump and his orgasm of a car that get’s all the ladies wet and dominates the fucking world doesn’t pay to race. So either pay his way so he can own you at the track or fuck off…ricers! F. …. Excuse F… I’m sorry ‘Term” F. is still in progress… Check back at a later date.
  9. Alachol FTW! Nice set up Brian, does this mean it's coming out of hiding!?
  10. Main3s


    MODS please do CR a favor. Let 5 people sign up for his race and when the bitch doesn’t show up permanently ban his sorry fucking ass. He’s called out CR and people have offered to HIS SPECIAL ED Terms. Then he backs out and says shit like “kiddies the adults are talking”. It’s obvious this fuck tard has absolutely nothing worth running other then his pussy lips and in now way can be a contributing member. Hey HERPS you’re going to have to cancel, date night with your boyfriend so that you can get your ass reamed out by CR instead. National Trail Raceway - Hebron, Ohio (about 25 minutes east of Columbus off of US40) Friday, April 24th, 2009 Rain date: Friday, May 1st, 2009 10am-5pm w/ free admission to Friday Night Street Fights at NTR, 5-11pm Max of 80 vehicles Price: $20 for Senior Members, $25 for regular members. Non-refundable unless the event is canceled. Spectators are free. Registrations for Senior Members is now open! See the SM section for information and registration link! Open registration for regular CR Members and the general public will be available on March 18th.
  11. I don't align my self with a particular religious belief. People can have what ever god they want. However I do feel that no matter your religion there IS another piece to the puzzle and its all how you look at it. Religion to me means having faith in something (Jesus, Buddha, or the Fauns). That faith undeniably affects people. Your example of Hitler is a good one. How many Jewish people were killed because of Hitler’s actions, how many survived? If they were praying to god to save them or have someone kill Hitler and it didn’t happen was that prayer all for nothing? Or did the FAITH and belief in that prayer give them the strength to hind for another 10 months and survive? Did that prayer they said right before they were shot in the head fail because the gun didn’t jam and save them? Or did it work because right before they died they had faith that everything was going to be okay? FAITH in something to believe in, what ever god you choose to put your faith in is your choice.
  12. That deer didn't even respect him. Fucker just stood there like WTF!?
  13. Haha, fucking tards. I love messing with people like that. I got a call about renewing mine last week. I asked them if it counted if the car was already broke and started talking to they guy like "come on, hook me up and get it fixed, I won't tell just say it was fine and I'll call back in a week or so and have it fixed" The trick is to be more annoying to them, then they are to you.
  14. Pics look good man, Welcome!
  15. Okay Jesus, like I said before I'm just fuckin around. You take the whole race gas thing a little too serious. I've run race gas in my car off and on for about 2 years as well. It's originally tuned on pump 94. I run C16 at the track and sometimes on the weekends and I've never had to tune it differently, just increased the timing and decreased the pulley = win. So I'm fully aware that there is no need for a different tune. As far as the alky, I've read the many debates on that as well. Some say it does increases octane (something like 110-120) and cools other say it only benefit is the cooling affect. I looked into alky injection a while ago and decided it wasn't for me because I couldn't get a straight answer (or at least not one that was clear enough for me) I'm smart enough to not argue about topics that I'm not knowledgeable on so you win that one. As far as the DOT approved tires, ET streets, and straight slicks...yeah I know the difference there too. I just thought I'd play the devils advocate a bit... I didn't know everyone would take it so serious. Oh and he’s my other post incase you missed it.
  16. Nice, what kind of ets? Becasue I thought I read somewhere on here that you were running about the same times as me with the extra power and traction...
  17. Haha, I've never seen your morning dump, but I'd have to agree, WALL-E was trash.
  18. Main3s

    Hockey fans...

    Wait a minute!? Is the fact that it WON'T play the "Rick Roll" part? Clever.
  19. Main3s

    Hockey fans...

    It won't play the video for me 8-2 BTW... WOW!!! Have the jackets score 8 in any other game this season?
  20. Good ninja edit, even before I could quote it... :ninja: You're car may not be fast but your editing skills are. J/K
  21. Relax... Look what i have started :bangbang:
  22. I’m just fuckin with you guys, I agree with pretty much everyone else, I just felt like stirring the pot. As the owner of a factory boosted car with NO intercooler, I love me some race gas! On 94 octane I ran as follows… 12 psi, 19* of timing, ¼ mile 13.3x at 102 and Dynoed 275 FWHP I went out and got a used O2 sensor and filled it up with some C-16! On C16 I ran as follows… 20 psi, 22* of timing, ¼ mile 12.7x at 107mph est. HP 315-320 FWHP I could have kept upping the timing and boost too as I still had 0* of knock but I was having a harder time launching the car with the extra torque. My 60fts went from 1.78’- 1.80’s to 2.0’s once I got the boost up. So since my et’s weren’t changing I decided to try and work on that. I ran it on the streets sometime last summer when gas was sky high, it’s defiantly a different animal, I love it! Oh' and I even had my ET streets on when I trolling for guys after the Mopar event off of Brice Rd. So run what ya brung!
  23. You proved my point right there! Premium octane from the factory = street car! Name me 1 car that comes from the factory that needs higher then 93-94 oct!? They don't, only race cars, NOT street cars need race gas. Tune your shit up right and it's not a problem. As far as alky injection or methanol that's more like a cooling affect rather then an octane boost, so I classify that as more like an intercooler rather then race gas.
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