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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. man i love those vids. the drivers are crazy. I wonder if it was be that easy to get away from the cops in the usa...


    I thought the same thing but with the highway patrol and local PD I’m guessing it might be a bit tougher. I’m sure if you had 1 or 2 aftre you, you could shake them. As long as you did it quick and knew the route you were driving (Favorable turns for a sports car, few intersections and a good straight way) But I doubt you’d be able to fuck with them like they do in these videos, and defiantly not in Columbus, it’s too small and the cops don’t really have anything better to do.


    Great videos though :thumbup:

  2. saw this audi s5 today rolling down morse rd. was only able to snap this pic before the cars started piling up in the lane between us. still had dealer tags on it, fat lip wheels in the rear, 19's maybe? looking at the pic right now it doesn't look as impressing to me as it did driving down the road, but i think its due to my crap phone camera


    made me drool though. had to give the guy a thumbs up after i snapped the pic and he just did one of those grin/nods. i need to hit the lottery to the tune of about $60k




    Nice, I saw the same one on my way to work today (71 off of 161) It definatly caught my eye.

  3. I've got to give it to you Paul. Despite being the punchline in almost every CR joke, you stand your gound. you drive a neon, drink at a dive bar with a bunch of old cougar fatties. Yet you still hang in there... Good work?
  4. I've come to the realization that half the people on here have no social skills, so thwy take upvracing to do what they do best.... ethug and trash talk.


    you've been to 1 CR outing.....



    +1 And a majority of your posts are involved with said "e-thuging and trash talking"...

  5. Paul you bitch about sonic like little girls bitch about their period.


    So Paul where do you think we should hang out? What is required for a place to hang out that you will not bitch about?



  6. so then it should be ok to marry a pillow, a goat, 3 cows, 7 woman, etc.

    using your logic.


    :confused: Umm, I said a decision made between two adults (meaning 2 adult human beings) not 1 adult and a pillow, or a goat, or a cow. Why is it okay for an adult male and female to make the decision to get married together, but 2 adult females aren’t allowed to make the same decision?

  7. I don't see what the big deal is honestly. Two adults making a decision about marriage? If it's a religious hold up, then let the person marring the couple decide if they want to do it or not. It's not the government’s job to tell the people and the churches what to do... Or maybe it is :ninja:




    this thread is still gay BTW.

  8. BUMP


    Reminder to all who posted originaly the fight is still on and about 2 weeks away!!! As the time comes closer let me know if still plan to attend. I'd like to be able to tell the owner of the gym how many people to expect. Thanks!

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