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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Look whos talking... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=131&pictureid=3352
  2. I'd pay extra for her to do it with clothes on and in a hurry!
  3. I thought this was pretty funny. A guy updates his relationship status on Facebook from the ulter...
  4. Hahah, not a bad idea if they were HOT. But not using strippers from some dive bar. But hey, you got to start somewere...
  5. Why to make my new 47" feel small. I got that online Friday for $680. Shipped! Nice TV mang!
  6. Wasn't there a company on here a few months back (early spring 09) that bought a genesis and was going to start modding it? I wonder how that worked out...
  7. Saftey equpiment = weight. No saftey equpiment = less weight & more $$$$. We talking 6K car & all or just 6k in mods?
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/640000/images/_642376_maude_150.jpg :confused:
  10. Main3s

    Thanks Sam!

    Some say he was raised by the Most Interesting Man alive! and the STIG... http://onthehouse.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/04/24/dos_equis_print_1.jpg + http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2054/2080251444_8af0f42917_o.png = http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t214/ls2sam/hot_import_nights_columbus_model-1.jpg I must say I can see a resemblance...Stay thirsty my friends.
  11. People who start threads like this just need to get the ban hammer. It's insulting to the people who started the forum and the members on it. If it could be so much better then what the hell are you doing to improve it? And if you know of better forums join them and stay the fuck off of here... I know that’s a bit strong, but it’s just stupid. People who complain about how it could be better, or how it use to be cool or how it’s not racing on Columbus Racing I’ve got news for everyone, it’s a internet forum. If you don’t like it, don’t log in! Go make a better forum, or hang out with old people in parking lots like in the old days or for Christ sake go race. If what you bitch about is that important to you do something about it, instead of being like every key board worrier and starting a pointless thread… Rant/
  12. I took part of mine down this fall and have it rolled up next to my shed. There's probably 20-30 feet of it. The posts are still in the ground unfortanatly, I'll probably have to cut them out. But if you're interested in the fencing itself its all yours!
  13. Veritas, I'm not quoting you again... but as for the helping out that you do and the examples you gave they kind of contradict your "Loss of faith in humanity". If you can do that stuff and have people see that then there is still good in the world. Yeah things like murder and the mother cheering on her teen as she beats up another girl are all bad examples. BUT don’t you think more people can relate to the small, helpful jesters like helping a mother lift something heavy from the bottom of the cart VS seeing a story about murder on the TV. I can only speak from my point of view, but when I see little things like that in my everyday life they have a larger affect on me because they’re more…within reach or reality I guess. As appose to the stupid mother cheering on her teen. Yeah on a good vs evil scale a girl beating up another girl is more evil then you helping a prego mother is kind. But It’s all in how we can relate and how it impacts us.
  14. Not to seem like a dick (because I think we're actually having a pretty good discussion) but might I ask what you do to help your community? And I agree, I work in the newspaper & broadcast business and having a bloody front page with a headline that reads “WAR” gets attention. Sex sells and violence sells. Why? I don’t know I’m not a psyche major. Could it be that people are naturally curious and if they’re not use to seeing something then they look more into it? Does seeing stuff like that change people? Yeah, I’d imagine in some ways even if you don’t know it directly it does affect people. Does it affect everyone in a negative way? Absolutely not. Boy A gets raped by his father when he’s 5, 6, 7 years old. He grows up and starts toughing other little boys and as a generalization is a bad person. Boy B gets raped by his father when he’s 5, 6, 7 years old but grows up and decides to help troubled kids overcome issues like he went thorough and as a generalization is a good person. Both experienced horrible things but are affected differently. All this bad that you can show me at the drop of a hat from the news stories doesn’t mean that only bad will come of it.
  15. "The world will be the world through the eyes that view it" If you see it as declining then that’s what will happen. I on the other hand have a different view. I know there are plenty of rude & nasty people out there just like you know there are plenty of good & kind people in the world. It doesn't make you wrong or me right. It's YOUR view. You chose to see more of the bad; I choose to see more of the good. Oh wait, could that be an example of the balance we are supposedly lacking?
  16. Very true. But when you (or in this case the OP) talk about the human race declining and loosing faith in humanity that's a pretty big generalization that society as a whole is going to hell. From what I’ve experienced personally I can’t disagree more. The problem is what we choose to see and how we choose to respond.
  17. You have to want to see it! How many people slow down to look at a car crash? How many people slow down to look at someone helping a stranger push their car out of the street & into the gas station? Does that mean there is no balance becasue you don't want to see it?
  18. :nod::thumbup: THIS!!! Throughout history there has always been pointless and wrongful behavior committed by people towards others. I think that what makes it appear worse today is that we have more access to it. If this had happened 20 years ago (and maybe something like this did) you would have never heard about it. The way we are all connected now a day is what makes it seem worse. But at the other end of the spectrum, try searching for good things; I’m sure you’ll get many great examples of people helping people…. Something that I experienced on a personal level that made me rethink things was on my road trip about a month ago. I traveled over 4,000 miles all down the east coast into the south and Texas and talked to a bunch of people. People in the small country towns and big cities, at bars, restaurants, gas stations and just walking around. Sometimes it was just for directions others times just to talk to someone new. I’d have conversations with complete strangers and I realized that people aren’t that bad. It’s easy to sit at a computer and watch this shit or turn on the news and hear about a murder or a father who pimps out his son for a balloon ride but I challenge you to get out in the real world and experience people first hand, then come back and tell us that the human race is declining. There’s good out there you just have to want to see it.
  19. Main3s

    Dear Peppermint

  20. Sweet, only 10K more miles and I'll break the record.
  21. I'll fight you for it J/K... Good find.
  22. Main3s

    32" Tube TV

    I'm selling my 32" tube TV. $50 OBO. Seriously make me an offer. I've had it for about 4 years. Picture is still great I didn't watch it much but I'm upgrading anyway. Dimensions are 32inch screen, 34"W x 27"T x 20" D. Here are some pics... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2478.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2480.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2482.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2483.jpg A few scuff marks on the top.... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2485.jpg http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/cmaines01/100_2486.jpg Would probably be great to throw out in a garage. PM me with any other questions or offers. Oh and it has a remote too.
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