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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s

    WTB: P90X

    So does anyone have the P90x work out dvds that they want to burn for me? Name a fair price and let me know. I want to do something in addition to boxing and people seem to love the P90X workouts.
  2. Wow... that's a little odd. So how did you end the conversation? Thanks have a good day...?
  3. Well from what I read I think most would agree with the "Accountability" statement. May it be schools, banks, Hockey teams or parents! If you’re responsible for a team, child, money or anything else take accountability for it! What gets me is that everyone wants to pass the buck and put blame every where else. My question to all of that is what are YOU doing? If everyone just did what the hell they were suppose to and took care of their own shit the world would be a better place. Unfortunately that’s not how it works. You have to bitch & complain and scar people into believing you. It seems to be who ever can wine and cry about something the loudest gets the help. Maybe if people had to deal with their fuck ups (like loosing a hockey team, your big CEO job or your children) then they would think twice about what they do in the first place. Why keep giving them help and a way to fail…
  4. Srsly... The sad thing is that it may be true.
  5. Main3s

    Ebattling 101

    Please change title of thread to either option A or B A. How to start a lame ass thread B. How to get banned from CR for hurting peoples feelings.
  6. What were your 1/4 times?
  7. Welcome. InB4PaulWannaraceaneon?
  8. Yeah and don't forget the cover sheet for thoes TPS reports.
  9. That's good to hear. I changed all the filters, oil, plugs, wires, distributer cap the whole 9 yards. Flushed out the old break fluid and blead the lines. The thing runs pretty damn good now. So becasue I did all the work he has to help me move any large objects whenever I ask. The beauty of owning a truck
  10. So a friend of mine just picked up a 98 GMC 1500 for a pretty good deal. The catch is that the truck hasn't been started or moved in over a year. It belonged to a lady whose husband passed away and it was his truck. She never drove it so it just sat. II told him I’d help clean it up a bit and so I'm goanna do some of the standard crap like drain out the old gas and oil then put in a fuel treatment. The tires probably need replaced because they now have flat spots. Apart from the rust their looks to be plenty of pad left on the breaks and the rotors are still smooth (once the rust is gone). But what are some things to look out for? Anything I should pay close attention too? Any gaskets that should be replaced? Trans fluid? Anything he should be cautious about as far as driving it? Thanks!
  11. I was there about a month ago (thanks to your advice) and he said that the CFC has really kept them busy and they had been getting a shit load of cars bucause of it.
  12. OSU should stomp that team they're playing on Saturday. I just hope Jim allows them to kick their ass and not lay up. If it's a close game because of the pussy ass play calling I'm goanna be pissed.
  13. "A physical exam showed no evidence of sexual trauma." Over react much?
  14. All of which are better then a neon!
  15. Funny, I was just thinking about how annoying they were last night. My name is Ram and my commercials are bull shit!
  16. Whats even better about his little "re-mixes" is that he does it because he wants to... It's not like he's getting paid for it.
  17. You have a point. If nationwide fails then the arena district will be the next brewery district. But my beef is that it isn’t my responsibility to fix their mistakes. Maybe if they didn’t fuck around and wait 9 years before sending their team to the playoffs they could have built a stronger more desirable fan base to support their cause.
  18. Exactly my point. We pay for it and it still fails! I know, lets give it more money! Becasue this time... well this time will be different. So a business comes in and promisses to bring more entertainment and money to the city. BUT after 10 years of loosing money they want me to fund their failure. It's not supose to work that way. They build it, I go down and pay money to watch a game, then hit the bars after. I spends my money & get taxed at the same time. Where is that money going!? But to your logic. They tax me to build it. They charge me and tax me to enjoy it. Then when they mis manage it they charge me and tax me to keep it going.
  19. NO! Why should I as a tax payer have to pay more in taxes because of someone else’s business failure? I know its entertainment and a sport available for all to enjoy, but at the end of the day it’s business. If someone is going to invest lots of money, time and city resources into starting up something on that scale I would sure as hell hope that they would be able to manage it properly. It’s no different then your small mom and pop pizza shop who pays too much in rent and has shitty pizza. Would you pay more taxes to keep small business like that afloat? After all small businesses employ lots of people and impact out local economy too. You have to manage it properly to ensure it’s successful. Now because they owners and land owners fucked up and are loosing more money in a year then I’ll see in 10, means I have to pay more taxes!? Fuck that. CBJ fans will just have to go back cheering for the wings and pens!
  20. It's great though isn’t it!. Most people think fighting is just about being a crazy, angry person which I agree with a bit. I mean it takes a certain type of person who is willing to step in to any type of ring/ cage. But at the same time you have to be mentally strong. Lets face it, even the best fighters get hit, you've got to keep your mental toughness through a fight and that’s a workout in it’s self. But yeah, I like getting popped like that every now and again.
  21. Yeah it always looks fun until you're on the other end of one of those KO blows. I was boxing last night (yeah it’s not the same… yadda yadda) and got sloppy and was nailed with a right. I slipped his jad and caught him in the ribs but dropped my left hand. Then I was planning to come over the top and catch him with a right hook to the head but I was moving in at the same time his fist was coming at my head, then, BAM!!! My vision was all staticy for a second and I got real dizzy, it about knocked my ass out! I stepped back & thru my jab out about 5 times while I was shaking my head just to make sure I was okay. The sound of his fist hitting my head made the loudest bang I hand ever heard in a gym….All I heard was the guys watching yelling out "Damn". I finished the round and called it a night. But it’s good to get in there and get knocked around a bit, keeps things in perspective.
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