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Posts posted by Main3s

  1. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs617.ash2/156969_1762167580828_1438257982_1956433_910974_n.jpg




  2. Manufacturing in the US to me is just like a story I know called The Puppy Who Lost His Way. The world was changing and the puppy was getting bigger. So, you see, the puppy was like Manufacturing in the US in that they were both lost in the woods...and nobody, especially the US society knew where to find them. Except that the puppy... was a dog.

    But the manufacturing, my friends, that was a revolution.

  3. I'm gonna practice coming up with new excuses as to why I can't race my car. Then once I have about 10-15 good reasons not to race I'm going to think of about 5 or 6 good shit talking lines about how bad ass me and my car are. SO BRING IT!!! Cuz I'm gonna be the fastest car in 2011.
























  4. I am also confused on this part if I were to do myself. Here are my base boards...how do you get the wood under it like you see here??




    Not sure if it has been answered, but I just laid Laminate flooring in my home last year. You can either pull up the base board and then put them back after the floors have been laid, or you can leave the base boards down and just use piece's of 1/4 round to cover the gaps. I went with tearing up he old base boards and putting new stuff down. It was a bit more work but it made it look much better (IMO).





    Also from my experience, I'm very pleased with the way my flooring turned out. I have 2 dogs and my living room sees lots of traffic. It's held up great, and make the house look so much cleaner. I know it's not "top of the line" wood flooring, but for the price and the ease of installation I don't think it's a bad investment at all.

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