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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. I drive at least 40 hours a week so I have seen a few. This morning I saw pwwn3er then I have seen SEXXYBBW on a mini van with handicap stickers EXQQS ME on a Volvo IM A NNJA POS VET on a z06 vet that auto crosses, the front plate is bent back because it is so low to the ground it hits when he breaks. THX 2MOM on a BMW on campus And in high school had a buddy with 2RAD4U
  2. Damn good job! My sis killed her little Honda civic at 130k
  3. They both bow hunt and he bought her a shot gun for her birthday. They have a German shorthaired pointer they take hunting. Thanks for the tip though
  4. because I can't return the favor and gross them out
  5. So my roommate and her boy friend who lives with us don't understand the concept of using their room to be gross. I really feel like vomiting right now. Seriously?!?!!?!??! I am trying to watch tv not porn. It has been 48 hours since you guys have seen each other. I am all into cuddling and shit but its usually after sex or a lazy weekend morning. The weather sucks so I can't take the bike out to get away from them and I have work in the morning so going out to the bar and get shit faced so I can just pass out and not hear them.
  6. I am a noob as well, hope you enjoy the site!
  7. I know what your getting for Christmas....... coat hangers!!!!
  8. When we have to "untape" and break the seal we play ghost busters and try not to cross the streams
  9. dragknee? Just saw pics of your bike on here, sweet shit man, LOVE the head lights

  10. My main issue with Obama and his health care plan is his suggestions for breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings. Under those guide lines I would be dead right now. I have known to many women that have been diagnosed at a younger than normal age. Save the Ta-ta's!
  11. I love that show, pretty sure it is the only reason I still have cable
  12. Hahaha trying, its just hard to find a guy that can handle me.
  13. so is your bet! You can go to bars and not drink, just hang out
  14. BAHAHAHAH!!!! damn you caught me I figure if I go out at least one person one here will be able to tell you I am indeed a female.
  15. "it rubs the lotion on its skin..."
  16. I really shouldn't go out but I am bored and have nothing else better to do. Send me a PM with your number and I can text you.
  17. love the threadless design avatar!

  18. WTF is wrong with you!?!?! worst bet ever!
  19. what time you plan on going? so long as it is not raining I might make the walk down
  20. I would be willing to drive my truck out there, I just need access to a toilet and shower, no issues sleeping on the ground here. If some one had ramps or a trailer I could haul people's toys if they wanted to ride out but have dirt bikes they want to bring. I also have a giant cooler so any one wanting to bring beer could drop it off in Columbus or I can stop off so long as it is on the way. oh and no
  21. I should have mentioned that the HK and CZ are both 9mm. The HK stays loaded on my night stand with some lovely hallow points. I pitty the dumb ass that tries to break into my place.
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