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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. This is amazing!!!! http://m.bizjournals.com/columbus/#/premium/view/page_8862142
  2. I went to high school in that area and my parents are with in walking distance of the millers ferry. I ran into sniper and his wife the one weekend and ended up playing mini tour guide.
  3. Which bars did you go to? You need to go up on the weekend that's when all the action is.
  4. 99.99999999% in I would much rather go here than do Cleveland. Buddy's was awesome for awhile but they could probably use a break from us as well.
  5. I have no idea how I slept throught this. I am only a mile and half from where that happened. I hear the trains blowing their air horns but then I miss the cool shit
  6. Casper can you bring mine with you and I will pick it up Sunday. Ktnxbi
  7. I like the original more but the sound track in the remake is fantastic. The actress in the original has gotten a lot of really good rolls since the trilogy came out. Much hotter as the dr. In prometheus
  8. Fuck yes I read them. A friend gave them to me for free. What women wouldn't love a sex crazed billionaire that gives her an audi R8. If you were smart you would read them then give them to your lady friend then capitalize
  9. Photos you posted were too small
  10. And if I had the body to pull off princess leia's bikini I would
  11. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    I think they are opening a new beer store at Easton with over 500 beers. There goes my pay checks :/
  12. I need these!!! http://udreplicas.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61 Not star wars but I still need this!!!
  13. I can't ski to save my life, I'm more into sport where the water isn't frozen. How come you guys couldn't have bumped this thread when I was reading the 50 shades of grey books
  14. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    Lindemans framboise icecream float mmmmmmmmmmm
  15. My interwebz is back and thanks to not having power for 6 days I have a stock pile of batteries. Bring on the porn
  16. I have Internet at my house again!! Bring on the porn!!!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVN_0qvuhhw&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  18. ^ no but you may be onto something here. I think your version is right and all of the historians are wrong.
  19. Pixar is magic first they give a little trash robot a soul and now a ginger. They probably made them in that order because the first one is more believable
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