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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. Mine are kind of all over the place. I have a few recurring dreams one of which scares the crap out of me because it is sort of a silent hill/ the decent type dream. A lot of my dreams involve people or situations that have happened to me in the previous day. If I am cold my dreams tend to be more fucked up.
  2. Depends on how many goats you are willing to trade, the more goats = higher quality bride
  3. ^ you do have a shit choice of women up by you. I suggest mail order brides
  4. I have faith that you can engin-nerd it
  5. He should just go ahead and chrome his penis to help stop the spread of all the std's that run ramped in his groin
  6. Oh come on no one else is going to say it Asian drivers
  7. it might be fast but can it do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZiRMKoOTBA
  8. I wouldn't think removing a seat would take to much thought
  9. Wow and I thought I was bad when it came to knowing how to do things on bikes
  10. romantics have Feb. 14th, alcoholics have Jan 14th
  11. already here! thats what you get for mixing pokemon with dragonballz
  12. i hope you run out of kerosene for that comment
  13. thats what you get for putting nappa as your profile picture
  14. http://youtu.be/qo1NjvZUIvo
  15. oh and both sides of my family have horrible knee problems. The more I can do to prevent the inevitable the better.
  16. I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. I am probably your best bet if a zombie apocalypse hits or you are getting chased by a bear. I can't run to save my life. I have tried doing using the tread mills at OSU's rec center and every time I do it seems like either the person next to me is talking on their cell phone so loud I can't drown it out or they are really really smelly. With swimming I can stay in my own little world and most people who share a lane with me are fairly respectful.
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