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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. - The place you must reach for safety is the location where the last TV show you watched was set (In your own country). South park, co - Your team are the last 3 last people who called you on your cellphone. My dad, sister, and the guy I have started seeing - Your vehicle is the last vehicle that you honked at in traffic. Cadillac CTS - Your only weapon is the last weapon you used in a video game. The gun off of an A-10 again ... - The frist zombie you have to kill is the last person who texted you. Good bye charter coordinator at work, Shouldn't have given me that shitty assignment What are your chances? I am going with 95% chance of survival. My dad is a huge gun nut as well as an air force academy grad, my sister is a psyco hippy so she will be dead soon anyways. As for the guy I am seeing.... I should probably figure out what his feelings are about guns. The sex isn't good enough for me to keep him around if he is anti guns.
  2. Guy I work with sold a truck via craigslist for 10k next day the engine blew up. Guy go pissed and was threatening to sue as well. It is sold as is, the guy can't do shit. I would just block his calls if I were you.
  3. They don't have x-rays but the last time I was in Rome's airport they had guys on catwalks monitoring the crowd guns at the ready. You weren't allowed to go into the bathrooms with out getting patted down.
  4. i feel like that guy just cracked my skull open and shit on my brain. Thanks Casper, dick
  5. Just so long as you don't hate me. I don't want my head to spontaneously combust while your 1,000 meter away
  6. A that head board is old as fuck. It is sold wrought iron and is ungodly heavy. The frame my mattress sits on had to be custome made. As for the "goat" it is a pillow. My duvet and pillow covers are velvet. thanks
  7. haven't tried it :takeit: :nono:Baby?!?!?! where the hell have I posted anything that would give you the impression that I am the " baby" type. Friend of mine was a rep for them for a while. She got out of it but still have a fairly large stock. If anyone wants anything she is selling it at 50% off. Your comment wasn't creepy. Tbutt's is though how the fuck are you engaged
  8. you guys have your whole marketing plan down to a T. Got my christmas catalog in the mail about a week ago. Good thing I don't have more money, I could spend a small fortune in there.
  9. I think pure romance (local Ohio company) has chocolate flavored massage oils. I know they have cotton candy and warm butterscotch lubes.
  10. Nnnnnnoooooo this would mean the end of free Internet pron
  11. gen3flygirl

    Beer Pics

    What kind of knight? Black night? Knight's that say NI!? Knight in shining armor? Or a knight of the night?
  12. I didn't realize I needed to respond and why the edit Recent pic as of Friday night
  13. I ended up picking up a 6 pack of this.... Awesome!! It is one of my newest go-to beers
  14. I can't wait to see him in the new expendables movie next year
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKcSZfY1sf4&feature=related
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsokBNOe_p8
  17. :confused::confused: I'm confused
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