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Everything posted by 1qwk767

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAvHt8AG8KU
  2. me and my g/f who knows Chris will be there, and Ben I deff want one of his CD's
  3. 1qwk767

    ASR Cruise In

    I ended up taking 90+pics still on the camera when I wake up tomorrow ill size em down and post, and if you see your car in any of the pics let me know ill send the hi-res photo
  4. 1qwk767

    ASR Cruise In

    Ill be there at 11 Amy to help u get stuff set-up, if you need me any earlier just shoot me a call. IM prolly gonna bring my camera to shoot some pics at the show
  5. it was fun the hour I was there, but had to go get the g/f from work, maybe another one this weekend?
  6. hey bill I requested to Join. so maybe ill have a confirmation when I get home
  7. well, I dont think ill be a night crew member much longer starting my new job today up at 5 and work at 6... which I think bites royally in the fucking ass
  8. nice car man, Ive seen the car over on Weldon, over by my g/f's house and over on the way to her aunt and uncles at Weldon and Atwood Terrace
  9. need a tow vehicle, e-mail pics to 1slodsm@gmail.com
  10. 1qwk767

    Mopar Nats

    no idea in Heath where people meet I might try it next year, are there people over there for the Chrysler Classics as well?
  11. 1qwk767

    F'd Up Day

    dang Steve, looks like you and your brother are having bad luck, was this the park over by your mom and dads house COMO, or over by your house cause if its COMO me and the g/f take walks over there so if I see your kids out playing ill keep an eye on em for ya man
  12. http://www.lifeinwidescreen.com/siihp/ssr_competition_ci3_l.jpgI like these the best, maybe in black with a polished lip would look real good
  13. 1qwk767

    PC Help

    i have a 1gb flash and a 2gbflash and a 30gb iPod so IM covered on external storage, what time do you go into the office Bill I might be able to swing it up there tonight
  14. 1qwk767

    PC Help

    I didnt see the change ownership thing on there, I dont know if I skipped over it or not. I did see a properties thing and tried that and didnt have any luck with it. so I think IM gonna reformat it tomorrow and just say fuck all the music and important pictures I have, next time ill just back things up on cd's
  15. 1qwk767

    PC Help

    ok, ill give it a try
  16. 1qwk767

    PC Help

    I am the administrator on it, and IM not sure how to get my computer in safe mode
  17. 1qwk767

    PC Help

    I was having trouble with my laptop well I did a system restore, well after I did the system restore the laptop has been doing fine. On the other hand it shows folders that have pictures, my dl music and and videos from the web on here, I try to click on it to open and its saying access denied, I would like to find a program to be able to access the folders or am I just gonna have to reformat my entire computer? Thanks Mark
  18. hes trying to make his money back and fuck someone else over, plain and simple
  19. 1qwk767

    Mopar Nats

    the econo lodge over off brice was pretty decent
  20. that sucks Brian, ive been up since 8am trying to gears in a 5.0 mustang fucking fords lol
  21. 1qwk767

    TQ Specs

    ok, I think I may have found something, Amy directed me toward www.modulardepot.com I used the search on their and came up with this
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