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Everything posted by CuriUs1

  1. Yes, I called them. It really was upsetting that they mixed two stories up. Not a problem and thank you.
  2. My Uncle Doug was in the accident yesterday morning. First, please do not speculate if you are unaware of the circumstances. Second, thank you for all that sent prayers and condolences. I need to clear up the air here. My Uncle is very much alive and is in the ICU currently. He was riding to work early Friday when a 60+ woman turned left off of Hamilton Road in front of him causing the accident. My Uncle T-Boned the car and he flew from his bike. From what we hear, the woman should not have been driving due to mental and physical disabilities. Now, with that said. Who's fault is it now? Do not blame my uncle and do not say that he is inexperienced. The woman and he are about the same age. Let me just say that it is of the utmost importance, no matter who you are, to pay attention! How long have bikes been on the road? How big does a headlight have to be for someone to see it? If we look left and right behind us before passing a car; can we have the same courtesy for those who ride? This woman got a dent in her passenger door! Prayers are appreciated but please keep your comments to yourself if you don't know what you are talking about. P.S. Who said what he was wearing, other than a helmet that is Not Required by Ohio law. Now, I am not going to be a hypocrite because I do not wear one when I ride but if it's not the law then it's not. He is one of the smartest people that I know. Do not underestimate who he is because you think you know what happened. Thank you and may God and your loved ones be with you if you ever experience a life altering situation like this.
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