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Posts posted by redrocket04

  1. I would randomly wake up in the middle of the night craving taco bell, those guys always get a laugh when I pull up on the bike and latch the bags full of burritos and quisdellas to the side mirrors. Fulfulling my thirst for taco bell and riding.

    I did that last night, but it was for edamame, and it was only like 9:00pm, not the middle of the night.

  2. Well if the weather is halfway worth it and if anyone wants to go tonight get me back on here cause I am considering going as of right now but I don't want to ride up there by myself cause that's never fun.

    Just so you don't pull a Redrocket04 and show up to a bike night on the wrong night, it doesn't start until May 21. If you show up tonight, you'll be lonely, and the wings will be cold, and the Hooters girls will be guys.

  3. just wait til you mod it a little, then you really won't want to let it go :D

    Seriously though if you do only one thing to it, get a Corbin seat. Makes a 10000000x difference

    I'm looking. Not gonna pay $259 for one, so I'll wait til somebody buys one, then sells it for cheap. :)

  4. Went out for a birthday ride today. Not a lot of good roads to be found around Columbus, but it was still nice to get out and away from all the traffic, even if just for a short time. So far, this is one of my best birthdays. First time I ever really got onto the bike, and I'm more in love with it now than I was before. Prior to today, I'd never been over 6,000 rpm. I know, laugh.

    Holy crap, it's like a whole different bike above that, though. Anyway, I don't have a camera mount, so I've just got a couple of pics, but I guess they go in this section.



  5. Don't feel sad. I put my bike on earlier today, and so far I've just had someone who wanted to trade a '96 VFR 750 for it, (I thought about it, but he wanted even trade, and I just can't do that) and someone who wanted to trade an '09 V Star 650 classic.

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