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Everything posted by danm7890

  1. there perfect for my style, they pickup after 7-8k if you wanna rush. other than that its pretty good on gas. ill go FI one day, for now im enjoying these
  2. my all time fav smily lol
  3. well i sold my 93 fzr last month to a board member. kinda missed it and another one popped up.. less miles, and a lot cleaner so i bought it. 1996 FZR600R with a single headlight instead of two. i think that makes it look newer.
  4. i would love to go and try this out but money is a little tight.
  5. If you want a title. File for a court order title. Make sure its clean though
  6. Im back in, i sold the 93 fzr and picked up a clean 92fzr
  7. so wheres everyone coming from cause im sure we can ride 75N and just keep adding people on lol
  8. looking for $1500obo http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1736596332.html Replaced: Stator, Voltage Regulator, Battery, Engine Harness, Clutch cable, shifter assembly. I also have an r6 header to go on it. It’s had a recent coolant flush and 400miles on this oil change. Just got a fairing bolt kit off of ebay ive been using. Bad: rear tire has a season or two left. Seats will need replaced. I was in the process of painting the bike silver, needs finished. Missing a flush mount turn signal. rear tire needs replaced soon, maybe a season or two left. front wheel is still purple, i only painted the rear. a tab is broken off the left fairing. This was my first bike, never layed it down but previous owner did so the stator cover has scratches. Bike runs pretty good, I just took a trip to columbus and back this past weekend without any problems. Just needs fixed up cosmetically. Bike has 32,xxx miles. I do have an ohio title for this. i also have matching gear if interested.
  9. danm7890

    The New In?

    thats wat i was thinking. ill try kohl's they usually have somin close
  10. danm7890

    The New In?

  11. just got on..im in lima. pm me im looking for some riding buddies.
  12. just got on this site. im sure i know some of you from columbusracing.com. but im in lima..sporting a fzr600. im down for the meet
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