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Everything posted by suntorn

  1. I'm going to attempt to set up my suspension tonight. If anyone has spare time on Saturday to give me a hand and make sure it looks alright, i'd appreciate it. I'm just going to go off of the instructions on you tubes videos. i'm looking for 30cm of sag for track? or 25-30? I have an 07 1krr and weigh prolly 205-210 with full gear, 6'0 tall... if that helps.
  2. I guess a garage would have been a smart choice. Anyone want to go halves? hell, i'll sit in my jeep as long as i can park the 1krr inside... or maybe i'll just buy a canopy.
  3. Forecast looks absolutely horrible... can't beleive i just wasted 400 bucks. lesson learned i guess
  4. wheres the best (cheapest) places to stay there? i was planning on camping, but the 10 day forecast shows rain on Friday with a high of like 60 something... not looking forward to that. I signed up for both days.
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