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Posts posted by FZRMatt

  1. So way back in september last year I got a wreckless op and a license plate violation, after leaving marysville to go home via RT4 I passed crawford countys finest sherrifs department intial clocked going 67 in a 55, as said in his statement "I then procceded to do a turn around in the road, when cruiser speeds reached 80mph I noticed that 3/4 mile to 1 mile gap was now between myself and the cycle" "When cruiser speeds reached 130mph I was not gaining distance but also not losing any distance". Since I was not quite familar with the area I was forced to slow down to the posted 35mph zone when I met the buycrus city limits. Of course I was only going 60mph officer! 170mph never cost me so much, I mean 130... :). BTW this was at 2am so there was 0 traffic and it was a very rural area.



    You had an attorney and he didn't tell you that speed alone does not constitute reckless opp in the state of Ohio? You got screwed!

  2. How bout I throw my empty MD 20/20 bottle at you then let my 300lb pig run around campus while I steal beer from the back of a bar on Mother's day?

    You only get credit for stealing the beer on Mother's Day if you are actually out with your mom, at said bar, and shooting pool. As far as the pig, I still don't know what I would have done if I had actually got that big bastard all the way into the back seat of my cruiser. I'm just glad I found the owner before the media arrived.

  3. that ramp is pretty nasty..especially towards the end when it merges to the left, alot of people dont really pay attention to bikes when merging..

    heart and prayergoes out to the rider(s)

    I hope that it wasn't anyone on here. The rider was a mid 60's man riding a cruiser of some type. The person riding with him (another bike) stated to the officer that they had been drinking at a bar before the crash.

  4. Oh yes, and that gets enforced all the time I'm sure. To our resident LEO in this thread, how many people have you cited or warned about eating while driving? "Man I got a ticket for being under the influence of food!" :lol:

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't write tickets unless I have to. So, the answer is 0. However, I do know an officer that received a sustained complaint from I.A. after a citizen called in for him eating a hamburger while driving.

  5. LoLoL... that sucks.

    BTW' date=' it was not my intent to insult you in my previous post. I hope you read past my sarcasm and understand that I appreciate the job you do. I just don't see how/why this is a good law. It's just one more reason that an officer has to pull me over and give me shit about something he has no power to do anything about. Maybe it will scare enough people into avoiding texting while they drive... but I don't want to bank on that kind of "thinking".[/quote']

    I didn't take offense, it takes a lot to piss me off.

  6. I tend to agree with this' date=' but don't really see how this can be enforced without some kind of infringement.

    You say, "unfortunately"... I say, "show me a fucking warrant"...

    No offense intended, but I'm glad to hear the law still recognizes the 4th Amendment.[/quote']

    I agree, the 4th Amendment is a beautiful thing. I say unfortunately because there are going to be people that will call in texters to 645-4545 or even 911 and expect officers to take action. And when they don't take action (because they can't) those same people pick up the phone and call I.A. to complain about officers not taking action. This will result in an officer getting a complaint in their file for an unjust reason.

  7. Observes the head down...hands in lap.....swerving = probable cause for the stop. Then he searches the phones logs which the courts have allowed the cops to do.

    Unfortunately, we can not legally check phone logs if we stop someone. We have already been told that the only way to check the log is to get a warrant. We were also told that we can not get a warrant unless there is a serious injury/fatal accident. Just having a phone in their hand does not warrant a ticket but if we feel that they were texting, we can stop them. However, we have been told that basically, unless they say "I was texting" there are to be no tickets issued.

  8. if he would have started out with "state police" instead of "get off the motorcycle", then all would be well.

    the stop is a secondary issue though IMO. sure mistakes were made in the stop... but the real problem is the state pressing retaliatory charges against him for posting the video of mistakes being made.

    Let me start off by saying that I appreciate the fact that no "F-ing cop" stuff was posted in any of the replies to my post.

    I 100% agree that the trooper handled the initial contact in a completely wrong and tactically incorrect way. I say tactically incorrect because handling a situation in a tactical manner is what keeps myself and other officers alive every night. Again, if he had let the marked cruiser make the stop in the first place, this wouldn't be an issue. Had the rider had a CCW permit, he would definitely have a case for self defense had he shot. As far as the charges being retaliatory, we don't know if the state prosecutes those cases aggressively on a consistent basis. If they do, it obviously isn't retaliatory, but we don't know for sure. To be honest, I wish our state/city had the balls to prosecute a lot of the things that they don't.

    On a side note John, do you live close enough to hear the shots fired at club Ice/Fire tonight?

  9. My $0.02 cents worth. Look at the Smith and Wesson M&P compact (I like the .40 myself) or a completely hammerless revolver. I have never been able to shoot a revolver worth a damn, but you never even need to pull it out of your pocket if you are shooting in an emergency situation.

  10. I was debating on replying to this post, but speaking as a "wide eyed idiot", I will say that there are some things that should have been done differently on both parties part.

    First, how about the biker not putting himself in that position to begin with. Even though the rider seemed to be in "control" while riding, he still put himself and everyone else on the road at risk by pulling a wheelie on a public road with traffic.

    Second, the trooper should not have made the "traffic stop" in the way he did. Although I wouldn't concider that being "cut off", he should have let the marked cruiser conduct the stop (it was right there anyway). In my city, traffic stops are to only be conducted by marked cruisers with officers in uniform. However, it is not illegal nor discouraged in other areas.

    And third, had the trooper allowed the marked unit to conduct the stop, this would all be a non-issue, but he didn't. So, just because the bike is backing away, doesn't mean that it is not a threat to the trooper. Had the rider dropped the bike in 1st gear and took off forward, he would then be piloting a 600lb (rider included) weapon directly toward the trooper. The trooper will then have almost zero time to react, and it could easilybecome a deadly force situation (and a justified one at that depending on their laws about unmarked vehicles making traffic stops).

    Feel free to tell me what a douche bag I am for defending the loose cannon (even though I'm not). I am simply trying to show the side of the equasion that the non-law enforcement person never sees. Also, video only tells part of the story and we didn't see what (if anything) else happened before the stop was made.

    Sorry is the post comes across as cranky or grumpy, but is was a long night at work and to be honest the F-ing cop crap gets old after a while.

  11. Just moved to columbus not that long ago, dont know much about it, any good places to meet friendly people, hang out, gets some drinks or house partys, 18+ is a good thing too like to bring my GF too. Just wondering if anybody gets around town and knows some good spots besides (fire, ice, mcfaddens, boma etc)

    If you like being maced or tazed by the police, either Fire or Ice would be fine (actually Ice closed). Those two are more for the thug crowd. McFaddens is ok. Do you want more of an adult crowd, or a nice place to hang out?

  12. My name is Matt and I live in Hilliard. I have a '94 FZR 600 which is my 3rd bike. I got my start riding in about 1977 and have been riding some form of motorized 2 wheelers on and off for about 32 years. FYI, I suck with computers, so, it may be a while before I figure out how to post pictures or anything of that nature.

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