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Posts posted by tbmustanggsxr

  1. We could meet up Tuesday at hooters to talk about meeting up Wednesday before hooters to then meet at hooters to go meet up at shell on Polaris then to head out to meet at cc, then heading over to QSL for the big meet.:rolleyes:

    all i have 2 say on this 1 :givemebeer:and ill c ya all at the old cc lol

  2. yea im with the other guy saying thats a jump going from a F2 600 to a 09 1000 that a jump dude hell you could go from that F2 600 to a F3 600 and that would b a jump so just think about that. i went from a 98 F3 600 to a 01 GSXR 600 and i loved it now im on a 02 GSXR 600 and still loveing it. As for buying that new of a bike id go with 01 to a 06 you will love it and save some money at the same time

  3. myself i wear my helmet just about everywhere i go but those who dont who gives a F$ck its just the state wanting more and more of are money it your head if it dont work out for ya why your out rideing and something happends just think about that when you head out for a ride with out it

  4. At least they are typing at a light.

    It's the ass hats that text whilst driving that are ignorant bastages.

    man my bike is crazy loud and no1 has ever said anything to me but theres alway that 1 dick out there that could i have a yoshy.rs3 cut down 7ich lol LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES:eek:
  5. Anyone in Delaware, Ohio want to ride.

    I have an R6 and would like to find people in the Delaware, Ohio area to ride with.

    me and a few buddys have been going all around riden and were not far from ya bout 25min you got some good places to out that way??? if not we got some good roads here

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