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Posts posted by tachman

  1. I would have held her at a cautionary distance with a weapon trained on the intruder. If they were unresponsive to talking or me saying "get the eff out of my place" and just standing there staring off, I would call the police while still having my match-built 1911 pointing at aforementioned intruder. If they just hang out and stand there, then whatever. However, if they demonstrate hostility, they are getting dropped by my 230gr jhp friend(s)

  2. Yep, doing it now, on a break though.

    Haven't been around for awhile, since my previous job didn't allow this, but now I got a new job a few weeks ago, and to be quite honest, I'm busy pretty much all day with pretty challenging work, can't complain about that at all.

    What have you all been up to? What did I miss here in rants and raves?

  3. I feel bad for the 6'4 Olympic powerlifting, streetfighter gods... no one ever believes them, and they just get made fun of on the internet :(

    I know, its a hard life on the interwebs for them.....

    luckily they have 4chan

  4. duane said the pirelli angel ST's were dericious. and you can pop on one of my several corsa III front take offs. that setup will last you a while. he had like 2500 miles or something like that on his when i saw it and they looked brand new. like, you could still see that painted line they have down the middle, even.

    just not sure if mixing the front corsa iii and rear angel st will mess you up or not.

    Let us know how the Q2s work out for you.

    Also, how did you like the Corsa III's? Last a while?

    I need new skins soon, my qualifiers are old, either thinking the Corsa III or Q2

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