Ciao I changed my caliper and master cylinder so now I need a custom brake line. Any chance you know where I can find them? I am in Cincinnati in case you know a store here, online shopping would be OK as well. grazie Gianluca
i live by the kenwood mall. been on AA a couple times. usually I just take 71S and 471 down to alexandria and then 10. meeting downtown would be ok too, i'll take 71.
Ole'! Lontanuccio Cleveland ... sono da solo, dovrei rimanerci un altro annetto, per lavoro. Di solito non incontro mai polizia nelle stradine in KY, cmq non smanetto mai tanto. A presto! Did anyone said something about italian accent???
From the south of Italy. Moved for business ... that's life. Was I supposed to buy myself a ducati??? People here usually think I have a ducati as none knows buell.
:weirdo: :D I do not have moustaches. Or do I??? Well, no I don't have moustaches but if you feel I need moustaches to be accepted ... ready to grow them. Pick up your fav.
Hi there it's Gianluca here. Moved from Italy last year and riding now in Cincinnati Area on my buell XB12. Happy to see there are so many riders in OH, hoping to meet some of you guys.