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Posts posted by Xfz

  1. Kent, You should not feel bad. That was a sneaky off camber left turn which pushes the bike to the outside. Once you got into the gravel on the side of the road and then the ditch , it was all over. If not for the ditch you would have rode it out. It grabbed the wheels and the results were much like a high side. I have never been so glad to see a rider stand over a downed bike! :eek: Hope the ride home was uneventful. Get that bad boy fixed and we will try this again. As the wise man said " Shit happens" :(

  2. I guess this will be a solo ride.

    I will be @ Bob Evans 11AM. Red & silver CBR. Drop me a note if you change your mind. I have a meeting in the morning but will be high tailing it out of Cbus before 10. Should be a great ride!

  3. If you hit it square no problems. A ground hog was the largest critter I ran over. The turkey buzzard does not count. It was in the air. Had a stiff neck for a few days. One of my friends ran over a dead deer. It was late at night. He stood up on the pegs and hit it square. :eek:

  4. Doesn't anyone get up early on the weekend? Great ride and I made it back home a few minutes before noon. Even had time for a cup of coffee at Grandma Fayes and bs with one of the locals. I was almost through Hocking on the way home before I seen any motorcycles.

  5. I know its short notice but if anyone is interested let me know. I will be leaving from Lancaster(Tim Hortons) between 8:30 - 9:00. Back roads to Albany and back. :D Very good ride and scenic too. All bikes welcome. Need to be back around 1 o'clock.

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