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Posts posted by BeastieSSSC

  1. Im really needing to purchase a new helmet. The helmet that I have is a junky HJC CS-12 that came with my bike when I bought it. This thing kills my ears if I'm riding for more than 45 minutes. Im looking to get a clearance x-11 or rf1000. I've heard the x-11 has way too much ventilation, I don't know how comfy/plausible the helmet is for my normal commute everyday. I know the rf1000 is their touring helmet, but is the x-11 just for the track? Newb question, just never bought a helmet before haha

  2. thanks for the feedback. The hunt continues for a springfield or kimber stainless, I havent heard too any things about those newer colt 1911s.

    For me, I didn't want anything polymer. I'd very much like to pick up a glock 19 to carry as well, but as far as .45 cal goes, there's no choice in my mind than a 1911

  3. good wrote up, I always wondered what those were/if i could get a ticket on them. Did there job by slowing my ass down.

    I barely stopped past the crosswalk at summit and 11th this past summer during the middle of the night to be bombarded by flashing camera lights as if they were the paparazzi. Never got a ticket sent my way though

  4. how possible/how practical is it to conceal a full 5" 1911? is that just too big and too heavy? I'm primarily looking at kimbers, but i haven't left out any SA's. I like the idea of being more accurate when I'm at the range with the 5" over having the tiny 3", that's my dilemma

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