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Everything posted by candybluzx6

  1. its a 2008 kaw zx6r. and i havnt found to many curvy roads around here except 545. we usualy go more south and hit 555 a couple times
  2. My bike is a dark orange now
  3. lol i said use to. even super bike week is crap lol
  4. u use to go out to park ave.? i think i rode with u once or twice i hang out with tone and them
  5. my buddy lives in lucas and he told me yesturday that there start to rip up the road between lucas and perrysville. i work 3rd so i cant realy do much on sundays and i mite have to work friday nite
  6. i hit 39 yesturday and its pritty tore up thru lucas
  7. how long is that ride grego? and i run 39 and mohican quit a bit. 39 is a pritty nice run but down in mohican u have to watch outout for gravel and people paying more attention to the scene than whats in front of them. im deff. up for a ride this week end if the weather holds out
  8. looking for people to ride with from around mansfield andnot people that justput around town if i wanted to do that or go in a strait line i would have got a hd lol. everyone i usually ride with is pussin out this summer and im bored. also planing a track day for aug.15th if anyone is interrested
  9. lol i been thinking about doin a car likethat some time
  10. my bad on the space between word sapce bar is jacked
  11. yea i gota new brush (master 44) and loveit buthavntrealyhad the time to mess with it. i work 9amto11pm lol
  12. well i laid mybike down at the end of last season and scratched it up alitle so i decided to paint it this is a brick yard red base then put a cinnamon candy on top next is somegold leaf and a creampistirp around all the gold leaf then claer hope to have it done this week
  13. air u doing anymore lessons somtime. if so how much do they run. thanks

  14. still in the works tryin to find out what else i want to put on it
  15. did some more foolin around tonite
  16. lol i been airbrushing on everything i can find
  17. that looks sweet and thanks for all the tips. im not tryin to do it for a living just messin around and maybe some friends stuff if i get good enough
  18. thats a good idea. i tride to shadow around where the blue and silver meet to make it look like the silver sits in lower but i dont think i got enough
  19. thanks for the tips reimbrandt. does anyone know of a cheap place to get stencils them things r exspensive
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