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Posts posted by grant8605

  1. .... get "list of exclusions".... check.

    .... look into supplemental disability..... check.

    Thanks guys, you've been a big help. Most people's responses on this subject (on this site and others) are crass and uninformative. This was really productive. You guys rock!!!!!!

  2. I did what I really didn't want to do and called my Ins Co. to ask point blank what is covered (they logged the call, and what it was about for "future reference"), which I had been avoiding. We all know each Ins Co is different, and they all have different plans, but my particular one covers any type of crash, as long as I'm not getting paid to race. I hope this is the norm, for everyone else's sake. I don't think getting paid to race is gonna be an issue for me :p I really appreciate everyone's input, and the link. I would hate to know what a heli ride costs, and am gonna get in contact. Thanks!!!!

  3. Soooo...... I have posted about this in the past, and not really gotten things figured out.

    A little backstory:

    I have done a fair amount of track days over the past 4 seasons, and wanted to try my hand at actual racing. I went to Nelson Ledges for school and to get my certification so that I could do some Motoseries rounds and hopefully vintage days at Mid-O (I'm and SV guy). It was my first time at Nelson and third lap 'round I went wide out of the carousel and long story short, ended up with a $71,000 collar bone.

    It's my understanding that I am lucky in that I did this during a track day practice session, so I was covered under my normal health insurance policy. It's also my understanding (and someone please correct me if I don't have accurate info) that I were to have done this, say, during a race on Sunday that I would not have been covered and had to foot the bill, putting me MASSIVELY in debt.

    I have been looking around at supplemental insurance like AFLAC, but the policies they offer wouldn't have even come close to covering my last accident, if it were to have happened on Sunday.

    So what do you guys that race do? Is there something I am missing/don't know about? Do you have supplemental insurance? I would much appreciate any input or opinions and thanks for your time in advance.

  4. hey mescher! are you coming?

    I am, just not the right day....... I guess :D

    I'll be there on Tuesday. I'm doing Putnam the 28th, and don't think my body will let my do three consecutive track days (I'm not even sure about two this close together). So are you gonna bail on work and go both days?! You're in better shape than me :p

    Come on.................

    Come on.................

    You know you want to.

  5. Likewise, Im glad I got to see you and actually ride with you. You had the correct line out of the carousel which I didnt realize how off I was until talking to SJC and seeing you in this video. I have some video I'll be sending your way as soon as I can. Its not much......couldnt keep up. Oh my GF thought you were awesome last time (I told her you were there)....not as awesome as me though :D

    Don't you just love these little GoPro's? A person can try to explain something all day, but it's just not the same as seeing things in real time. I have a good bit of footage of you that I will have posted up sometime in the near future.

    Maybe if I up the amount of stars in my paint job, I'll make my way up the awesome list :D (jk, she told me you're not fond of those). It was really cool to see how much faster you got over the course of one day. Hope to see you out there again!

  6. Only the vintage guys are racing at Mid-Ohio this year. Well, them and the AMA...

    if you've got money to burn and can turn a lap that's 107% of the pole position time, you can go get lapped by the pros.

    Ha! Yeah, I've got some money to burn, but the 107% thing definitely isn't happening on my li'l SV (or any other bike with me on it, for that matter). I seem to remember reading somewhere that SVs can run with the vintage guys though? Ima go look around.......................

  7. Are there any events @ Mid Ohio that a novice could participate in? I started doing track days with the idea of getting into racing, but my work schedule only allows me to get away for one day at a time, which has pretty much limited me to doing PTRs in Lexington. I would love to try a race, just for fun (like redkow). Also, what kinda disability insurance (if any) do you racers carry?

  8. How do I go "out of my way" to make sure you're not a felon? Exactly how is That Dude being irresponsible while carrying out a legal transaction in a manner that is outlined in the ORC? He's doing what he's supposed to do.

    "Do you live in Ohio?"

    "Are you at least 21?"

    "Are you a felon' date=' or do you plan on becoming one?"

    End of story. Due diligence has been performed.

    Nobody has the right to transportation.. blind or not.[/quote']

    Have you not absorbed a single thing I've written? You've obviously read it, you've replied. It's not about due diligence. It's not about the bare minimum. You obviously just..... don't..... get it. I'm not responding to you anymore. Welcome to the ranks of fucktards. Have fun with that.

  9. but in all seriousness... grant...explain how you would go about selling a firearm? im curious what more you would do other than check their ID? what more can you do? the only thing left would be a background check, which you just said you would not go that far...

    so lets assume i want to buy a gun from you.....how would that process work?

    OK............... (sigh)

    To answer your question frankly, I wouldn't sell a gun to a stranger. The process would be non-existent.

    I have traded guns for a bike (to a stranger) on one occasion. That was after riding with him, and getting to know him, and his family, after hanging out with them multiple times. Didn't seem like a fucktard (I'd don't know that for a fact though, but I was satisfied enough).

    THE POINT I AM TRYING TO MAKE IS THAT SELLING GUNS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU JUST GO ABOUT HAPHAZARDLY. "that dude" 's posts pretty much say, in so many words, "sell a gun to a felon, all you have to do is make sure they're over 21". That's dumb. Really dumb.

    I'm gonna repeat myself one more time (I'm starting to feel like a broken record) DO WHAT YOU CAN. If Johnny crackhead wants to buy a gun from you, maybe you should think twice about that. If you don't know Johnny well enough to know whether he's a crackhead or not, you might want to reconsider selling him a lethal weapon. Is that really hard to understand? It's not an I.D. check, it's a common sense check.

    If you're hellbent on selling guns to strangers, I don't know what to tell you.

    The original post says, and I've centered on this theme, is that "that dude" is a fucktard for making it a point to sell guns to anyone and everyone over 21. A gun is not an xbox 360, to be sold to anyone with enough money to buy them.

    Lemme ask you a question.....

    You're selling a gun. The guy shows up to your house. He shows you I.D., he's over 21. You ask him if he's a convicted felon. He answers no. He then starts to talk about how his 14 year old brother has (coincidentally) always wanted one of the guns that you're selling. You're selling it to him right? That's the only thing that makes sense, right? You wouldn't want to step on his rights guaranteed by the constitution, right?

    The selling a gun to a stranger question is one with an unclear answer, with a lot of gray area. Doesn't it make sense to err on the side of caution?

    If you don't understand where I'm coming from tbutera2112, sorry. If you think I'm the world's biggest doo doo head, sorry dude. But FWIW, based on the question you posed that made me think a little, I don't think you're a fucktard. :)

  10. Alright.. I think I've got it' date=' but how does one go about "clearing" someone to buy a firearm in the first place? I mean, I can ask all I want to, I can make the person sign, make his parents sign, and have the document notarized... and it still proves nothing. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I can't diagnose someone as bi-polar just by looking at their signature.

    Aside from selling through an FFL dealer, I don't see how you can make that kind of distinction on your own.

    While we're discussing ethics, who decides the qualifying characteristics that would allow gun ownership? Are you telling me that someone with bi-polar shouldn't be allowed the right to self-defense?[/quote']

    OK, we'll keep going on this................

    First- I at no point in time said or implied that the onus is on you as a person selling a firearm, to "clear" anyone. That would be impossible. What I'm trying to say is that you need "to do what you can" (that's a quote from my previous post). I think there is somewhere in between "you're 21, here's a gun" and full on background check, fingerprints, anal probe. The seller needs to exhibit "prudence and common sense" (another self-quote). Do you think that "that dude" is doing background checks and coming up empty handed, so he's selling the gun anyway? Or do you think he's doing as he says he does, and selling guns to anyone with I.D.? You're refuting an argument that isn't being made.

    Second- I can't diagnose a person as mentally ill by their signature either. I don't think anyone can. I don't really remember saying that anyone could (if you can quote me, I'll answer for it). Again, kinda refuting an argument that isn't being made.

    Third- Ethics, qualifying characteristics for gun ownership, etc.......

    Does a mentally-ill person have a right to self defense? ABSOLUTELY!!!!

    Does that mean they need a gun? Maybe yes, maybe no. Depends on the person. (not that an FFL dealer would be able to tell whether a person is mentally-ill or not, anyway).

    Does a blind person have a right to transportation?

    Does that mean we give 'em a driver's license?

    At the end of the day, and I pretty sure I've been very clear on this, you need to do what you can. Nobody's psychic. Nobody can diagnose mental illness from writing. Nobody can protect us from the fucked-up world we live in. Can we try? YUP. It's about doing what you CAN, not what you HAVE TO.

    "that dude" claims to sell guns to anyone with proof of age. That's just irresponsible....................................

    Unless there is anything wildly outlandish that needs to be answered, I'm done with this. I joined this forum to talk about trackdays, not sling shit. I just can't help but put my voice out there when someone is DRASTICALLY wrong about something as potentially harmful as guns (I know, people kill people, guns don't kill people. That's why I've got my arsenal) Please don't interpret that as me "running away".

    Hope it's been entertaining................

  11. I'm confused about the "common decency and respect for human beings" part.

    Are you referring to his selective language or his desire to shove a pistol up someone's ass that asks for paperwork and signatures?

    I only get two to choose from? That's a pretty limited view of things.

    I was referring to his attitude in general. Do you think that if (god forbid, and that's not sarcasm) a gun crime was committed against him, or one of his family members by someone who shouldn't (legally or ETHICALLY) own a gun, his attitude would be "oh that's cool, they asked for I.D., it's all good"? Or do you think he might want to know why/how a bi-polar person with anti-social or psychotic tendencies got a P89? His regard for COMMON DECENCY AND RESPECT FOR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS is sub-par at best, non-existent at worst. It's about prudence and common sense, and going out of your way if you have to, to do what you can to keep someone else safe. Whether you know them or not, whether you will be impacted or not. It's what decent, respectful people do.

    The fact that you question me on this issue of BASIC LOGIC, makes me wonder about you........................ It's a matter of right and wrong. :nono:

    Unless that is, I'm interpreting your words not as you intended (easy to do when typing/reading, not speaking), in which case I apologize for being harsh. :o Have a nice day.................

  12. yup you should do it. been doing it for years. beats working.

    real simple. go read the laws then come back and talk to us who know the law my man.

    After reviewing the posts in this thread, and a lot of other posts by "that dude" (gotta love that find-all-posts-by...... function), I've come to the conclusion (as a critically thinking, non-troglodyte) that of all the fucktard idiots in all the fucktard threads, of all the fucktard forums, you take the cake my friend. Your head is is irreversibly shoved up your ass. I can now only hope that your influence is limited, and you don't find too many cohorts (looks like you've only come across a few in here, wonder why?), and that you reproduce as little as possible. WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE BARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY LAW? WHAT ABOUT A LITTLE COMMON DECENCY AND RESPECT FOR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS!? You are truly classless.

    Whatcha got for me? Let's hear it (proper English please, and words more than one syllable are a plus).


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  13. For what it's worth. I traded some guns for a dirt bike last year, with some craigslister. Call me paranoid or what you want, but I............

    -Asked for I.D.

    -Recorded serial #s of guns on contract

    -Recorded amount paid (in my case, what each gun was valued at, bike too) on contract

    -Recorded VIN of bike on contract

    -Threw in some general release of liability B.S.

    -Had him sign in front of witness

    Better safe than sorry, all this shit was free to do, handwritten. What can it hurt, if it gives you (or me) a little peace of mind?

  14. Hey Brian, thanks for responding again!

    "1) Stock forks and you are WELL outside the limits of those things."

    You were absolutely right. The zip tie was, as you said, CRUSHED. I'm using every bit of my fork travel on the brakes. An even better excuse to get some new goodies over the winter.

    "As for turn 1, stick a little closer to the curbing. Stay in tight and exit wider, but leave room outside for passing. You are more mid track in the video and I suggest tightening that up a bit." Gotcha.

    "Turn 2-3 is also a spot to keep a little tighter."

    It's my tires, they're holding me back. :p Just kidding. On the straight between 1 and 2, should I maybe setup a little farther to the right on the track, and "thread the needle" through 2 and 3?

    "You can hear you exiting on the gas sooner than before..."

    ABSOLUTELY! I don't know if you noticed or not, but compared to my last videos, that line choice through the keyhole translated to an extra 5 MPH at the end of the straight, which for my little SV, is huge!

    "Off the back straight - connect the curbs from 7 to 8. Don't swing out to the right so much. A lot of wasted real estate being used there. Also, stay tight initially and exit out wider out of 8."

    Damn. I mean, damn. I thought I had that ironed out. I guess relatively speaking, I was tighter than my last videos, but I s'pose it's not hard to improve on crap. Tightening that up, I think, will require a little more testicular fortitude on my part, but I trust your advice. In my head, it kinda feels like aiming for the grass. Is that the way it feels to you, or am I not looking at this the right way?

    Really though, thanks again Brian. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your advice. You posses a level of input unavailable elsewhere. Take care, I hope to see you out there the 27th or 28th (assuming you'll be attending), if I can figure something out with work.

  15. Well, I don't know if anyone is even going to respond to this old thread, but here goes anyway..........................

    This is video from Monday. I feel like I made some improvements, thanks in large part to everyone's input, especially STT-Brian. Thanks for the advice especially on turn 1 natedogg, it really helped. I am still not too sure about my line in 2 and 3 though. Any opinions on my line on the back straight? I like to leave plenty of room for people to pass on either side, on account of my uber-slow top end, but don't want to take a "weird" unpredictable line. Anything else? I know I could be faster.

    At the end of the day, I'm trying to get a feel for whether I need to be in A group or not. I don't want to hold anyone up, but, this past Monday, I group was not a ton of fun for me. It wasn't bad (I WAS riding at Mid Ohio after all), but I got held up more than not. One session I ran down hot pit 3 times, 'cause I kept catching back up to the traffic. It did seem exceptionally busy that day though. Hope someone sees this, and if so, thanks as always.................


  16. i looked like a panda riding a bumblebee looking POS 600rr

    LMAO, that's some funny shit. Sorry though jbot, no dice. I didn't see you anywhere. I guess that means you were faster than me and I didn't catch up to you at any point? If you're gonna be out on the 6th, maybe You'll show up on cam then.

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